
消费电子需求复苏 普冉股份4至5月营收同比增131% NOR Flash已有涨价趋势

Consumer electronics demand is recovering, and Purui shares' revenue increased by 131% year-on-year from April to May. NOR Flash already has a price increase trend. ·  Jun 19 10:57

Based on the company's Q1 2024 revenue data, as of now, Rampton Co., Ltd. achieved a revenue of about 743 million yuan from January to May 2024, exceeding the revenue of 469 million yuan in the first half of 2023. As for whether there will be an expectation of price increase for the product line, the spokesperson said, 'NOR Flash has already shown a price increase trend, but the company's other products do not have such trend for now.'

On June 19th, the Artificial Board Daily reported (by Huang Xiumei) that Purui shares announced on the evening of June 18th that the company's revenue in April to May 2024 was about 338 million yuan, an increase of about 131% over the same period last year according to preliminary calculations by the company's finance department. In terms of product structure, the operating income of 10-30 billion yuan products is 401/1288/60 million yuan respectively.

According to the revenue data for the first quarter of 2024 of the company, as of now, Purui shares have achieved a total revenue of about 743 million yuan from January to May 2024, exceeding the revenue of 469 million yuan in the first half of 2023.

Regarding the expected performance growth, Purui shares stated that since 2024, with the gradual recovery of the downstream market, the company's product shipments and revenue have both experienced a large increase compared to the same period last year. Its cumulative shipments from January to May 2024 are about 3.5 billion units, which is double of the same period last year. Currently, the company has orders worth about 170 million yuan (including taxes).

On June 19, as an investor, a reporter from the Artificial Board Daily contacted Purui shares by phone. A person in charge of the company's secretary's office said, "The entire semiconductor industry has been gradually recovering this year, and the company can also feel the pace of the industry's gradual recovery. We have already emerged from the trough of the cycle. From the perspective of downstream demand, the first to recover is still in the field of consumer electronics, and currently the demand in all areas of consumer electronics accounts for about 70% of our total demand."

"We can achieve such performance this year, on the one hand, it is related to the overall recovery of the industry, and on the other hand, it is due to the company's efforts in management. Since last year, the company has been taking market share, and coupled with the logic of chip price increases this year, the overall situation is expected to be very good," said the aforementioned person in charge of the secretary's office.

In the investor survey on June 7, Purui shares stated that its NOR Flash and MCU product lines have stopped declining in the first quarter of 2024. At present, the unit price of NOR Flash products has begun to gradually recover, and the unit price of MCU products is temporarily stable.

Regarding whether there is still an expected price increase for the product line, the aforementioned person in charge of the secretary's office said, "There is now a trend of price increases for NOR Flash, but there is no such trend for other products of the company."

According to the annual report, in 2023, the NOR Flash product line volume of the company exceeded a historic high, with a cumulative shipment of more than 3 billion units; the EEPROM shipment volume also exceeded a historic high, with over 1.4 billion units.

It is worth mentioning that in the aforementioned survey, Purui shares also mentioned the promotion effect of the overseas electronic cigarette market on the company's product sales. The company has felt the rapid growth of overseas electronic cigarette demand since the end of 2023, and currently has shipments in both the NOR Flash and MCU fields.

The aforementioned person in charge of the secretary's office stated that the company's products have a wide range of application areas. In addition to the relatively large share in the field of consumer electronics, they are also involved in some industrial control markets, such as drones, printers, power inverters, stage lighting, BMS systems, communication electronics, etc.

The Artificial Board Daily reporter noted that as a general platform company, the cyclical nature of the semiconductor industry has a relatively obvious impact on the company's performance.

Among them, judging from their quarterly net profit data, Purui shares began to lose money from the fourth quarter of 2022. Until the fourth quarter of 2023, the company achieved a net profit of 53.31 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 196.80%; in the first quarter of 2024, its net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company was 49.92 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 277.41%.

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