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HK stocks surge | Bilibili-W (09626) rose more than 6%. SLG's new game "Three Strategies" exceeded expectations in terms of revenue, and the overseas market is expected to open up.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 19 09:49

According to the Wisdom Finance app, Bilibili-W (09626) rose more than 6%, up 6.02% to HKD 128.6 at the time of publication, with a turnover of HKD 86.3087 million.

On the news side, on June 13th, the SLG new game "Three Kingdoms: strategize to rule the world" (hereinafter referred to as "Three Strategize") published by Bilibili was tested publicly on-line. According to data, "Three Strategize" began pre-downloading two days earlier (on June 11th), topped the iOS game free list on that day, and was ranked second on the free list and third on the iOS game bestseller list on the day of the public test. As of June 18th, the game still ranks third on the bestseller list. It is estimated that the total revenue from the iOS side of the game in the first five days on-line as of June 17th is RMB 83.83 million.

Bocom International pointed out that compared with games of the same category, Three Strategize differentiates itself by reducing the need for liver death and RMB element optimization, thereby enhancing the players' gaming experience. The producer revealed the intention to expand overseas, given the extensive global audience of Three Kingdoms SLG games, which may help Bilibili tap into the overseas market and enhance brand recognition. The bank expects the game's first-month revenue to reach RMB 500-800 million. Assuming that the revenue is evenly distributed over nine months, it is expected to contribute RMB 800 million to 1.3 billion in revenue by 2024, driving a 12-20% increase in annual game revenue. SLG mobile games have long-term operational potential and are expected to support the long-term game revenue base.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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