
港股异动 | 中建国际(03311)盘中涨近4% 香港推广智慧工地 公司产品具备优势且后续有望拓展内地市场

HK Stock Special | CCCC International (03311) rose nearly 4% during trading, promoting smart construction in Hong Kong, the company's products have advantages and are expected to expand into the mainland market in the future.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 18 11:27

China State Con International (03311) rose nearly 4% in intraday trading, as of the time of publication, it has risen 3.39%, to HKD 10.36, with a turnover of HKD 1025.26 million.

According to the Zhixin Financial APP, China State Con International (03311) rose nearly 4% in intraday trading, as of the time of publication, it has risen 3.39%, to HKD 10.36, with a turnover of HKD 1025.26 million.

On the news, Hong Kong plans to introduce mandatory measures in July. For construction projects with budgeted costs exceeding HKD 30 million and involving the use of mobile machinery and tower cranes, 4S systems must be used. At the same time, the Buildings Department is expected to issue labels to 100 construction sites in July, with plans to complete about 500 construction sites participating in the labeling program within the year.

Changjiang Securities pointed out that the application of 4S systems on private construction sites is relatively low, and the government has introduced mandatory measures. Referring to the pricing of the CITF standardized package, the smart construction site space in Hong Kong is about HKD 600 million per year. The bank pointed out that Haihong Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China State Con International, as an industry leader, has product advantages. At the current point in time, although the smart construction site market space in the Hong Kong market is not large, looking forward to the mainland market, many provincial housing and construction departments such as Guangdong, Jiangsu, and Fujian have successively issued notices to promote the construction of smart construction sites in recent years. The company is expected to introduce Hong Kong's mature experience in smart construction sites into the domestic market, and develop blue ocean markets in the future.

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