
港股异动 | 中资券商股走高 陆家嘴论坛召开在即 券商并购重组进程持续加速

Stocks of China-affiliated brokerages are rising in Hong Kong, as the Lujiazui Forum is about to be held. The process of brokerage M&A and restructuring continues to accelerate.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 18 10:12

According to the Zhitong Finance and Economics APP, China-affiliated brokerage stocks rose in early trading. As of press time, Haitong Securities (06837) rose 3.8% to HKD 4.1; China International Capital Corporation (03908) rose 2.69% to HKD 9.56; GTJA (02611) rose 2.36% to HKD 8.25; China Galaxy (06881) rose 1.64% to HKD 4.34.

On the news front, the 2024 Lujiazui Forum will be held from June 19 to 20, 2024. It is reported that during the 2024 Lujiazui Forum, the China Securities Regulatory Commission will release capital market-related policies and measures. The CSRC will also work with the Shanghai Municipal People's Government to establish a coordinated work mechanism to support Shanghai's acceleration of the development of the "Five Centers," and help enhance the competitiveness and influence of the Shanghai International Financial Center, and better play Shanghai's leading and exemplary role in advancing China's modernization drive.

Donghai Securities pointed out that with the upcoming 2024 Lujiazui Forum, regulatory authorities have made it clear that capital market-related policies and measures will be released. The new normal of strict supervision is expected to continue, and relevant reform policies will also be implemented to further stimulate market vitality. The continuous acceleration of brokerage mergers and acquisitions and restructuring, guided by top-level design, will become the focus of head brokerage firms' efforts in the next stage through horizontal mergers and acquisitions and vertical integration of the industry chain, realizing the improvement of capital and strength, and is the main logic of sector configuration.

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