
奧克斯(02080.HK)急漲近67%曾高見0.9元成交創逾一年高 料中績多賺逾4倍

02080.HK had a high opinion of 0.90 yuan in sales for nearly 67%, more than 4 times more than expected in more than a year.

缸邊情報 ·  Nov 19, 2019 09:59

02080.HK is expected to sell more than 4 times more shares. This morning, stock prices surpassed five major moving average lines (bull-bear line 0.82%), doubling at most to 0.90 yuan, or 0.75 yuan, or nearly 67%. The traditionally sparse turnover has soared to 2.84 million shares, which is rarely seen in more than a year.

Due to the increase in income from the collective property management division, the attached income from the completion of the sale is about 5 million yuan, and the net income from the holding stock has increased due to the increase in the value of the Hong Kong dollar. It is expected that the company's medium-term profit will increase by more than four times year-on-year by September. (sz/t) ~

Aswick has a new economy.

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