
美股异动 | 游戏驿站跌3.48% 股东大会将于当地时间周一召开

Gamestop fell by 3.48% in the US stock market. The shareholder meeting will be held on Monday local time.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 17 22:39
On June 17th, Gelunhui reported that GameStop (GME.US) fell by 3.48% to $27.7. On the news front, due to a large number of shareholders joining the live stream which caused technical problems on the website, the GameStop shareholder meeting originally scheduled for last week was postponed until 12:30 pm Eastern time this Monday. Last Thursday, Gill updated his position, showing that he now owns about 9 million shares of stocks and no options of the company. Gill may have sold all of his option contracts and bought stocks, or sold some of his options and converted the remaining into stocks.

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