
茅台股价续创年内新低 茅台信仰是否出现裂痕?

Moutai's stock price continues to hit new lows for the year, is there a crack in Moutai's faith?

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 17 15:26
On June 17th, according to Yicai, Maotai's stock price continues to hit a new low for the year. Has faith in Maotai been shaken? Xing Xing, the head of Boxin Securities Research Institute, said that the Maotai market is not hot enough, and pessimistic sentiment may continue to restrain the stock price from finding a bottom. Liu Chong, chief strategy analyst at Shenzhen Android Investment Co., Ltd., said that the consumer sector as a whole is weak and still has room for adjustment. Song Zhenghao of Oriental Securities said that the loosening of alcohol prices affects market sentiment and does not impact the company's performance.

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