
小K播早报|部分“车路云”一体化示范项目有望列入“两重建设”范围 英伟达开源3400亿参数模型

Xiao K morning news | Some "vehicle-road cloud" integrated demonstration projects are expected to be included in the scope of "two rebuilds". Nvidia open-sources a 340 billion parameter model. ·  Jun 17 08:18

1. The Central Bank is accelerating the implementation of technology innovation re-lending and providing precision support for technology-based enterprises; 2. The foundation fund for basic research on big planes was established, jointly funded by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Natural Science Foundation of China; 3. Flying autos in the Jing-Jin-Ji region completed their first flight.

On June 17th, the Science and Technology Innovation Refinancing Acceleration Program landed, supporting technology-oriented enterprises; the national large aircraft fund will be established; the flying car project in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region has completed its first flight.

This is Little K, your anchor for the Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily.

Market Dynamics

It is expected that some integrated demonstration projects of vehicle-to-road cloud may be included in the scope of the "two rebuilds" as predicted by the industry.

The intelligent networked new energy vehicle 'car road cloud' integration demonstration project is expected to be included in the 'Action Plan for Supporting National Major Strategies and Key Areas Security and Capacity Building'. This was learned from industry insiders.

The central bank stated that technology innovation rediscount accelerated landing, and accurate support for technology companies.

The People's Bank of China will jointly establish a 500 billion yuan technology innovation and technical transformation refinancing loan with the Ministry of Science and other departments in April 2024, of which 100 billion yuan will be specifically used to support initial loans for small technology start-ups in the start-up and growth stages, to encourage financial institutions to invest more in early-stage, small-scale, and hard-tech. Recently, China's central bank and the Ministry of Science and Technology have selected the first batch of nearly 7,000 enterprises eligible for evaluation based on the 'innovation credit scoring system' and pushed them to 21 nationwide banks. Each bank responded promptly and the first technology innovation loan has been issued. Other loans will be issued sequentially.

Establishment of Big Plane Joint Research Fund.

On June 14th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Natural Science Foundation signed a cooperation agreement to jointly establish the Large Aircraft Basic Research Joint Fund, focusing on the national strategic needs of the large aircraft field, and supporting basic, forward-looking, and innovative research in terms of safety and reliability, green environmental protection, intelligent and efficient, and economic convenience.

The flying car project in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region has completed its first flight.

On June 16th, at the Langfang (Hebei Province) International Economic and Trade Fair, the Xpeng Heitech Citation X2 completed its first flight in the Beijing Daxing International Airport. This marks the first flight of a manned low-altitude flying vehicle in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, including flying cars. Xpeng Heitech said that its split-type flying car is expected to start pre-sales in the fourth quarter of this year, and can meet the needs of exploring split-type flying car intercity commuting.

Nvidia released the Nemotron-4 340B parameter model, which has an open source of 340 billion. According to Nvidia, developers can use this model to generate synthetic data for training large language models (LLMs) for commercial applications in industries such as medical care, finance, manufacturing, retail, and other industries. Nemotron-4 340B includes base model, Instruct model, and reward model. Nvidia used 9 trillion tokens (text units) for training. Nemotron-4 340B-Base can perform common sense reasoning tasks, such as ARC-c, MMLU, and BBH benchmark tests, comparable to Llama-3 70B, Mixtral 8x22B, and Qwen-2 72B models.

On June 14th, Nvidia released the Nemotron-4 340B series type. According to Nvidia, developers can use this series of models to generate synthetic data for training large language models (LLMs) for commercial applications in the medical, financial, manufacturing, retail, and other industries.

According to technology journalist Mark Gurman, Apple is focusing on slimming down the iPhone 17, MacBook, and watch, hoping to release the thinnest and lightest generation of devices in history.

Company Overview

Zhuhai Guanyu: Received GM's designated notification of low-voltage lithium-ion battery

According to a notice from Zhuhai Guanyu, the company received a GM designated notification of low-voltage lithium-ion battery. GM selected the company as its designated supplier to develop and supply 12V car low-voltage lithium-ion batteries. The specific product supply time, price, and supply volume are subject to the final sales order.

Kingsignal Microelectronics: Several shareholders plan to collectively reduce their holdings by no more than 0.721% of their shares.

Kingsignal Microelectronics announced that shareholders Zong Runfu Li Fengli, Cui Xiaowei, Gu Yongtian, Chen Xinglong, Wang Mingbo Cheng Hu, and Sun Dongfeng plan to collectively reduce their holdings by no more than 0.721% of their shares.

Warner Pharma plans to raise no more than 500 million yuan from its Warner to the ultimate Controling shareholder Huang Bendong.

Warner Pharmaceuticals announced that it plans to issue A shares to specific objects, raising a total of no more than RMB 500 million (including the principal). The issuance object is Hunan Warner Zhenzhen Industry Investment Enterprise (Limited Partnership), which will subscribe to the shares in cash. Among them, Warner Zhenzhen plans to subscribe for no more than RMB 500 million (including the principal). As of the announcement date, Warner Zhenzhen is a partnership controlled by the company's actual controller Huang Bendong and is an affiliated party of the company.

Advances in domestic quantum computing temperature measurement: Measurable temperatures are close to absolute zero

Reporters learned from the Anhui Quantum Information Engineering Technology Research Center that QuantumCTek has independently developed a high-performance interference-resistant ruthenium oxide thermometer with a starting temperature close to 6 milliKelvin (mK), breaking the domestic record. A ruthenium oxide thermometer is one of the core components of quantum computers and can be used to measure the working temperature of quantum chips.

Aerospace Software: The company has received government subsidy payments of RMB 13.9247 million.

Aerospace Software announced that it has recently received a government subsidy of RMB 13.9247 million, which is a government subsidy related to revenue.

Cutting-edge Technology

Measurement of the Influence of Earth's Rotation on Quantum Entanglement

Austrian researchers from the University of Vienna carried out a groundbreaking experiment to measure the influence of the Earth's rotation on quantum entanglement. This study, published on the 14th in the journal "Science Advances", breaks through the limit of rotation sensitivity in entanglement-based sensors, and lays the foundation for further exploration of the crossover between quantum mechanics and general relativity.

Exoskeleton Robots Improve Performance through Simulated Learning

The latest biomedical engineering research results published in "Nature" report a simulated framework that accelerates the development of exoskeleton robot control systems, which helps to promote the wide application of exoskeleton devices in the real world.

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