
又是波音737MAX 美西南航空客机高空出现“荷兰滚”

Another Boeing 737 MAX appeared to experience Dutch roll at high altitude on Southwest Airlines flight.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 15 13:03
On June 15th, Guolong News reported that US federal officials said on Thursday that they were investigating the unusual swaying that occurred on a Boeing 737 Max plane of Southwest Airlines, which may have been caused by a damaged standby power control unit. The Federal Aviation Administration is working with Boeing and the US National Transportation Safety Board to investigate the incident that occurred on May 25th on a flight from Phoenix to Oakland, California. The FAA said the aircraft entered a Dutch roll state, which refers to the airplane's lateral slip, yaw, and pitching up and down, causing its flight direction to zigzag. The FAA said that no other airlines have reported similar issues.

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