
今できるサステナブルを!『えらぶ つかう めぐらせる』サイトを公開

Choose, use, and promote sustainable options now! The website "EraBu TsukaU Meguraseru" has been launched.

Unicharm ·  May 28 23:00

May 29, 2024

Introducing 'Choose, Use, Cycle,' a website that shows options for sustainable living.

Unicharm Co., Ltd. (Representative Director and President: Gohkoh Takahara) would like to announce the launch of the website, 'Choose, Use, Cycle,' which provides ways for consumers to easily participate in sustainable practices.

'Choose, Use, Cycle' is...

- 'Choose' allows you to choose products with carbon-neutral packaging and wrapping.

- 'Use' allows you to reduce overall waste by using pads with your typical paper pants and sanitary products.

- 'Cycle' allows you to recycle used paper pants by collecting them through the 'RefF' program and reusing them as materials. 'RefF' stands for 'Recycle for the Future,' which is a brand name for Unicharm's horizontal recycling initiative. Unicharm is working towards a future where used paper pants are not thrown away but instead recycled.*Collect it and reuse it as a material.

Our company is working towards a sustainable society based on our environmental goals for 2030, which were announced in May 2020, and our mid-to-long term ESG goals, 'Kyo-sei Life Vision 2030,' which were announced in October 2020. In Japan, we have introduced our 'RefF' initiative for recycling used paper pants on our 'RefF' special website on Note, as well as implemented various other initiatives that have shown improvement effects. We are also actively implementing activities corresponding to specific characteristics and situations in each country overseas.

Background of website launch

Therefore, to widely inform about Unicharm Group's domestic and overseas environmental activities and to aim to walk together with you towards environmental response, we have decided to launch the 'Choose, Use, Cycle' website on June 5th, World Environment Day.

Therefore, on June 5th, World Environment Day, we decided to launch the "Choose, Use, Circulate" website to let you know about the activities of Uni-Charm Group both domestically and overseas and to walk together towards environmental solutions with everyone.

Site overview

Introduction page of 'Vision 2050 and Roadmap'

- Introduction of the mid-term environmental goals 'Environmental Goals 2030' and the performance in 2023 towards realizing Vision 2050.

Introduction page of 'Activities Overview'

- To achieve zero CO2 emissions, we believe collaboration and cooperation with material suppliers and all consumers is necessary. We are implementing CO2 reduction activities for all stages of material procurement, product production, distribution, and sales, based on themes from A to D.

Introduction page of 'Specific Examples'

- Examples for themes A to D.

Introduction page for examples of activities in various countries and regions.

- We are expanding in 13 countries and regions around the world.

Introduction page for sustainability reports.

- We report on the sustainability of the Unicharm Group.

(Related Information)

Unicharm Kyo-sei Life Vision 2030

Unicharm Sustainability site

Note thinking about the future of Unicharm diaper

Contribute to the "17 SDGs goals" through the release of the "Choose, Use, Value" site.

We believe that this activity contributes to the following goals out of the 17 goals set by the United Nations in 2015 as "Sustainable Development Goals" (SDGs):

12. Responsibility in production and consumption, 13. Take action to combat climate change, 15. Protect life on land.

We will continue to aim to contribute to the achievement of SDGs by solving environmental issues and social issues through business activities such as providing products and services.


Unicharm Corporation, ESG Division, Public Relations Office, TEL: 03-6722-1019


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