
大行评级|大和:中国互联网股首选腾讯及携程 看好网易、拼多多、美团及贝壳

Daiwa Securities rating: Tencent and Ctrip are preferred for Chinese internet stocks, bullish on Netease, PDD Holdings, Meituan and KE Holdings.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 14 16:25

Daiwa released a research report stating that many investors focused on investing in Asian markets were recently met in the United States. After integration, the bank found that American investors generally bullish on Tencent, most of whom gave “buy” or “shareholding” ratings and looked forward to more catalysts to further promote its stock price outperforming the market, such as improved game business performance, strong advertising business growth, and continued shareholder returns, etc. Investors are also bullish on PDD Holdings and unanimously give “buy” rating, and also tend to choose Ctrip, Ke Holdings, and Meituan.

Daiwa pointed out that Ctrip's international business development did not seem to be recognized by investors, but Daiwa expects that the business can bring long-term sustainable growth momentum to the company. As for NetEase, which the bank is bullish on, its popularity is not as good as other stocks. Daiwa's first choice of stocks is Tencent and Ctrip, followed by NetEase, PDD Holdings, Meituan, and Ke Holdings, all of which are rated "buy".

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