

BT financial report analysis: A comprehensive look at huagong tech's Q1 2024 report, exploring the operating dynamics behind financial data.

businesstimes cn ·  Jun 14 14:41

Huagong Technology Industry Co., Ltd., stock code 000988, as a leader in the high-tech industry, has always been widely watched by the market. Recently, the company released its first quarter financial report for 2024, revealing the latest financial situation and operating performance of the quarter. The following will conduct a detailed and in-depth analysis of the financial report to explore Huagong technology's specific performance in the aspects of asset-liability, profit and cash flow.

From the disclosed balance sheet, Huagong Technology's total assets reached 17.586 billion yuan at the end of this reporting period, achieving a growth of 1.03% compared to the end of last year's 17.408 billion yuan. This growth is mainly due to the steady expansion of the company's business and the continuous enlargement of its asset scale. At the same time, the owner's equity belonging to the listed company's shareholders also recorded a growth of 3.22%, increasing from 915.719 billion yuan in the same period last year to 945.245 billion yuan at the end of this reporting period, reflecting the further increase in company shareholder equity.

In terms of liabilities, the company's asset-liability ratio decreased from 47.28% at the beginning of the period to 46.14% at the end of the period. Although the decrease was not significant, it reflected the company's steady financial management and risk control capabilities. In addition, it is worth noting that the non-current assets due within one year of the company increased significantly by 92.48%. This was mainly due to the reclassification of large time deposits due within one year, and this structural adjustment helped optimize the company's asset liquidity.

The income statement shows that Huagong Technology achieved operating income of 21.702 billion yuan in the first quarter, although it decreased by 18.56% year-on-year in the same period last year, it still maintained strong revenue ability in the current complex market environment. The net income attributable to shareholders of the listed company reached 28.987 million yuan, down 5.92% year-on-year, and the decrease was relatively small, showing the company's resilience in cost control and profitability.

In the details of the income statement, the significant decrease in financial expenses is worth paying attention to. The financial expenses for this period were -3.026 million yuan, a decrease of 77.42% compared to -1.705 million yuan in the same period last year. This was mainly due to the combined effect of the year-on-year increase in interest income and the year-on-year decrease in interest expenses, indicating that the company has improved its capital operation efficiency.

However, both investment income and fair value change income showed a decline, of which investment income showed a significant decline, down 103.49% year-on-year, mainly due to the decrease in the company's profits resulting from long-term equity investment equity method accounting in this period. This downward trend needs to be monitored and adjusted by the company in future investment activities.

In terms of cash flow, Huagong Technology's net cash flow from operating activities in the first quarter was -1.098 million yuan, which saw a significant negative growth compared to 22.727 million yuan in the same period last year. The main reason was the increased investment in stocking funds for ensuring order delivery. Nevertheless, this short-term cash flow fluctuation is not enough to fully reflect the long-term financial health of the company, but it still requires high attention from the management.

Overall, Huagong Technology's first quarter 2024 financial report presents a mixed picture of joys and worries. In terms of asset-liability, the steady growth of the company's total assets and the enhancement of shareholder equity are positive signals, while the slight decrease in the asset-liability ratio shows the stability of financial management. In terms of profit, although the company still maintains a certain level of profitability in the face of multiple challenges in the market environment, the decline in investment income and the pressure on cash flow cannot be ignored. In the future, while maintaining its core business competitiveness, Huagong Technology needs to further optimize its financial structure, strengthen risk control, and ensure sustained and sound development in the complex and changing market environment.

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