

BT Financial Report Instant Analysis: a comprehensive analysis of financial data for Keshun Waterproof Technologies' Q1 2024.

businesstimes cn ·  Jun 14 15:04

Keshun Waterproof Technologies (Stock Code: 300737), as a leader in the waterproof material industry, recently released its Q1 2024 financial report. This article will analyze the financial situation and operational performance of the company from multiple dimensions such as asset and liability data, profit data, and cash flow data.

Firstly, focus on the asset and liability data. At the end of the reporting period, Keshun Waterproof Technologies' total assets were CNY 13.382 billion, a slight decrease from CNY 13.781 billion at the end of the previous year, with a decrease of 2.89%. This is mainly due to the decrease in liabilities, among which the total liabilities decreased from CNY 8.665 billion at the beginning of the period to CNY 8.247 billion, reflecting the company's efforts in optimizing debt structure. At the same time, the asset-liability ratio decreased from 62.88% at the beginning of the period to 61.63%, indicating that the company's financial risk is further under control. In addition, goodwill remained stable, indicating that the company maintained a cautious attitude in M&A activities.

Next, analyze the profit data. In Q1, Keshun Waterproof Technologies achieved operating revenue of CNY 1.485 billion, a decrease of 20.43% from the same period last year. However, this achievement is still not easy in the current complex economic environment. As for net profit, the company recorded CNY 50.99 million, a year-on-year decrease of 9.20%, and the net profit after deducting non-recurring profits and losses was CNY 23.45 million, a sharp drop of 42.64% year-on-year. This is mainly due to the decrease in operating revenue, which led to the compression of profit margin. However, it is worth noting that the company's gross margin has improved from 21.59% in the same period of the previous year to 23.81%, indicating that the company has achieved certain results in cost control and product pricing.

Now let's take a look at the cash flow data. In Q1, the net cash flow from operating activities of the company was -CNY 977 million, a sharp decline of 48.65% year-on-year. This is mainly due to the decrease in receipts from goods sold and the increase in payments for goods and services purchased. Although the cash flow situation is not optimistic, it also reflects the actual capital needs of the company in its expansion and operation process. In the future, with the improvement of the market environment and the enhancement of the company's operational efficiency, this situation is expected to gradually improve.

To sum up, Keshun Waterproof Technologies' Q1 2024 financial report presents a situation of both joy and sorrow. Although facing certain operational pressure, the company still shows a steady trend in multiple key financial indicators. In the future, Keshun Waterproof Technologies needs to continue to strengthen cost control and market expansion to cope with the challenges brought by intensified industry competition and changes in market demand, and achieve a more sustainable development.

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