
港股异动︱航运股早盘走高 马士基再度上调FAK报价 供给端仍相对偏紧

HK stocks are fluctuating: shipping stocks rose in early trading, and Maersk increased the FAK quote again. The supply side is still relatively tight.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 14 09:59

According to the WiseFinance app, shipping stocks rose in early trading, as of press time, Cosco Shipping Port (01199) rose 5.66%, reporting HKD 5.6; SITC International (01308) rose 3.7%, reporting HKD 21; Cosco Shipping Holdings (01919) rose 2.59%, reporting HKD 13.48; Orient Overseas International (00316) rose 2.26%, reporting HKD 126.8.

On the news front, Maersk Line has once again raised the FAK quote. On June 13, Maersk Line increased the FAK quote to 5,000/9,000 from July 1 (the previous FAK quote was 3,325/6,500). In addition, it is reported that as the Red Sea crisis has not eased, against the backdrop of the recent global surge in shipping rates, the global shipping industry is facing a new risk this week. Dockworkers' unions on the east coast of the United States and along the Gulf of Mexico have announced the cancellation of negotiations with employers, raising the risk of large-scale strikes by these dockworkers in the future.

Huatai Futures pointed out that the supply side is still relatively tight, and supply chain problems will also support current freight rates. Port congestion is once again plaguing the container market, with Singapore becoming the latest bottleneck. At the same time, strikes at Hamburg and French ports are threatening the supply chain. As time goes on, the European region will enter the Christmas stocking season, and demand-side support for European route prices may take over the baton. Attention should be paid to the color of this round of Christmas stocking season in the European region, and it should be continuously monitored.

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