

Musk outlines the most ambitious plan ever: robots will bring huge profits, and market cap could reach ten Apples. ·  Jun 14 08:37

Source: Caixin.

Elon Musk said that Tesla's electric truck tractor, Semi, could change the company's finances, and he also revealed that several cars in development "will be very special". Musk also stated that the purchase cost of the Siasun Robot&Automation's Optimus will be lower than that of autos, and after large-scale production, Tesla could earn $1 trillion in profit annually.

On Thursday (June 13th), auto manufacturer Tesla held its annual shareholder meeting and broadcasted it on video-sharing websites.$Tesla (TSLA.US)$The annual shareholder meeting was held and livestreamed on a video website.

After the event started, Tesla CEO Elon Musk expressed his gratitude to shareholders. Most shareholders had previously voted in favor of a series of decisions made by him and the board of directors, including Musk's $56 billion compensation plan and moving the company's legal domicile from Delaware to Texas.

"It's great, I love you," Musk said. "We're not just opening a new chapter for Tesla, we're starting a new book." He emphasized that the company's future development direction will be "exciting".

Musk first talked about the company's "self-driving" business and said that Tesla will be much safer than human-driven cars. He mentioned that the company’s self-driving cars will be similar to airbnb and Uber, "your car can make money for you when you're not using it."

Musk said that car owners only need to tap on the device to let their vehicles join the (Uber) fleet, and there is no time limit for joining the fleet. "This will definitely happen. Remember my words, it's just a matter of time."

Musk reminded shareholders that he is sometimes super optimistic, which is a good thing. "If I'm not optimistic, this factory wouldn't exist," he said, referring to the location of the shareholder meeting—the Texas Superfactory.

He shared the latest news about the electric pickup truck Cybertruck, saying that its production reached a record 1,300 units in the past week. "This is truly a special thing."

Musk said that Cybertruck looks like something from the future and joked that if you show pictures of Cybertruck and other vehicles to an innocent child, they will choose Cybertruck. "It's a great product. I think it's our best product."

Musk said that Tesla's electric truck head Semi is in small-scale production and last week he approved the production plan for the full load of this truck. He added that Semi may change the company's finances, "this is not a small thing."

He also revealed that several cars under development 'will be very special.' One of them is a low-priced Tesla to be launched in 2025, and the other one may be a robot taxi called Robotaxi, and the other may be a commercial or small truck. "When will the veil of secrecy be lifted on these products?" Wait and see.

Source: Live screenshot
Source: Live screenshot

Musk mentioned a recent report by Cathie Wood, the founder of Ark Invest, which set a valuation of $50 trillion for Tesla. Musk said "I agree with that."

It should be noted that the $50 trillion valuation mentioned by Musk does not include the impact of the robot Optimus. Musk said that if Optimus produces 100 million units per year, its value to the company is incalculable.

"Who doesn't want C-3PO? Optimus is like C-3PO plus R2-D2." (C-3PO and R2-D2 are popular robots from the Star Wars series of movies.)

Musk said that the purchase cost of Optimus will be lower than that of cars and after Tesla's large-scale production, it can earn $1 trillion in profits annually.

He revealed that there are already two Optimus robots in use at the Fremont, California factory, and from next year, there will be more than 1,000, and even a few thousand Optimus robots working for Tesla.

Based on the indicators shared above, Musk said that Tesla's market cap could be 10 times that of the world's most valuable company today.

Given that the market values of Apple and Microsoft are about $3.3 trillion, and Apple's market value has exceeded Microsoft to become the largest market-cap company, Tesla's market value could be around $33 trillion in the future as hinted by Musk.

During the Q&A session, Musk also mentioned that Tesla is ahead of Meta, Google and OpenAI in the field of real-world artificial intelligence.


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