

Volume change rate ranking (10 o'clock) ~ Cave, monoAI, etc. ranked.

Fisco Japan ·  Jun 13 09:39

In the volume change rate ranking, it is possible to understand the interests of market participants such as trends in stock selection by comparing the volume for the latest 5-day average with the volume on the day of distribution.

Top volume change rate [as of 10:32 on June 13]

(Comparison with the latest 5-day average volume)

Code Name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate

<3760> Cave 143,300 17,620.42 292.57% -0.0595%

<5240> monoAI 2,574,400 37,259.1 357.13% 0.1615%

<2525> NZAM225 848 26,374.59 224.11% 0%

<3458> Seal Inc. 452,300 54,508.3 263.12% 0.0868%

<3223> SLD Corporation 1,319,100 259,030.86 198.5% -0.134%

<3446> JTEC Corporation 63,200 23,112.24 168.65% -0.0703%

<6309> Tomoe Kogyo 133,700 126,939 170.62% 0.0982%

<9163> Narral G 293,300 232,229.72 119.44% 0.0495%

<5032> ANYCOLOR 8,246,600 2,214,225.38 260.18% 0.2115%

<4564> OTS 23,200,900 167,995.44 187.53% 0.3333%

<3539> JMHD 113,800 109,777.9 108.78% -0.0333%

<7384> Procura HD 52,900 41,170.38 93.63% -0.0093%

<6788> Nippon Trime 48,500 71,086.7 98.96% 0.0479%

<1478> iS High Dividend 36,181 52,746.073 80.1% -0.0094%

<2569> Listed NSQ He 36,580 87,941.386 68.37% 0.0176%

<9235> Sellable Ne 664,500 538,862.22 113.43% -0.0259%

<4882> Perseus 1,662,600 88,135.78 202.5% 0.0654%

<6590> Shibaura Mecha 547,800 2,059,226.2 86.04% 0.0474%

<7388> FP Partner 1,180,100 1,306,212.7 110.45% -0.1739%

<2630> MXS US stocks to 10909, 26385.965, 200.19% 0.0089% <2840> iF NAS100 to 7042, 57645.282, 135% 0.0149% <5129> FIXER to 47600, 49345.12, 37.3% 0.0334% <9423> Forval RS to 184500, 16756.32, 20.84% -0.0178% <163A> Semiconductors to 5540, 42613.798, 17.22% 0.0049% <2558> MXS US stocks to 42464, 707842.396, 30.78% 0.0061% <5243> note to 124000, 33679.6, 75.73% 0.0462% <8771> E Galanti to 458700, 421516.2, 38.44% 0.0342% <5955> Yamashina to 406100, 27385.22, 40.13% 0.0131% <2634> NFSP500 He to 7730, 19294.399, 10.19% 0.009% <4490> Visusk to 45800, 36190.76, 33.53% 0.0556%

<2840> iF NAS100 has 7042 on 135% today 0.0149%

<5129> FIXER has a turnover of 47,600, with a total of 49,345.12 and a growth rate of 37.3% and 0.0334%.

<9423> Forval RS has a turnover of 184,500, with a total of 16,756.32 and a growth rate of 20.84% and -0.0178%.

<163A> Semiconductors has a turnover of 5,540, with a total of 42,613.798 and a growth rate of 17.22% and 0.0049%.

<2558> MXS US stocks have 42,464, with a total of 707,842.396 and a growth rate of 30.78% and 0.0061%.

<5243> note has a turnover of 124,000, with a total of 33,679.6 and a growth rate of 75.73% and 0.0462%.

<8771> E Galanti has a turnover of 458,700, with a total of 421,516.2 and a growth rate of 38.44% and 0.0342%.

<5955> Yamashina has a turnover of 406,100, with a total of 27,385.22 and a growth rate of 40.13% and 0.0131%.

<2634> NFSP500 He has 7730 with a total of 19294.399 and a growth rate of 10.19% and 0.009%.

<4490> Visusk has a turnover of 45,800, with a total of 36,190.76 and a growth rate of 33.53% and 0.0556%.

The asterisk (*) indicates newly ranked stocks.

Those with a 20-day moving average trading volume of less than 50 million yen are excluded.

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