In the volume change rate ranking, it is possible to understand the interests of market participants such as trends in stock selection by comparing the volume for the latest 5-day average with the volume on the day of distribution.
Top volume change rate [as of 9:32 am on June 13]
(Comparison with the latest 5-day average volume)
Code Name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate
<3760> Cave 86300 107185.08 245.36% -0.0384%
<5240> monoAI 525100 17620.42 235.16% 0.0557%
<2525> NZAM 225 848 37259.1 224.11% 0%
<3458> SEAL 276800 26374.59 208.66% 0.1076%
<3223> SLDP 696100 54508.3 131.92% 0.084%
<3446> JTECCORP 40200 259030.86 112.66% -0.0545%
<6309> Tomoe 76200 23112.24 99.67% 0.0814%
<9163> Narral G 245000 126939 97.4% 0.0506%
<5032> ANYCOLOR 1808300 232229.72 80.32% 0.189%
<4564> OTS 10079800 2214225.38 76.21% 0.125%
<3539> JMHD 78100 167995.44 65.43% -0.018%
<7384> Proclea HD 40300 109777.9 62.7% -0.0044%
<6788> Nihon Trim 31900 41170.38 50.97% 0.0417%
<1478> iS High Dividend 27650 71086.7 50.61% -0.0067%
<2569> Listed NSQ He 30660 52746.073 49.25% 0.0173%
<9235> Ureru-ne 362600 87941.386 47.15% 0.0582%
<4882> Perseus 448800 538862.22 45.56% 0.028%
<6590> Shibaura Mecha 350000 88135.78 37.47% 0.058%
<7388> FP Partner 561700 2059226.2 31.31% -0.1279%
<2630> MXS US stock 2457 1306212.7 26.36% 0.0085% <2840> iF NAS100 2514 26385.965 20.24% 0.0153% <5129> FIXER 38700 57645.282 17.84% 0.0248% <9423> Forval RS 177400 49345.12 17.31% -0.0178% <163A> Semiconductors 5512 16756.32 16.77% 0.0124% <2558> MXS US stock 35206 42613.798 13.51% 0.0063% <5243> note 66400 707842.396 12.25% 0.0342% <8771> E Guaranty 343000 33679.6 11.71% 0.0434% <5955> Yamashina 299700 421516.2 11.59% 0.0131% <2634> NFSP500 He 7710 27385.22 9.97% 0.009% <4490> Visa scu 34900 19294.399 8.51% 0.0435%
<2840> iF NAS100 2514 26385.965 20.24% 0.0153%
<5129> FIXER 38700 57645.282 17.84% 0.0248%
<9423> Forval RS 177400 49345.12 17.31% -0.0178%
<163A> Semiconductors 5512 16756.32 16.77% 0.0124%
<2558> MXS US stock 35206 42613.798 13.51% 0.0063%
<5243> note 66400 707842.396 12.25% 0.0342%
<8771> E Guaranty 343000 33679.6 11.71% 0.0434%
<5955> Yamashina 299700 421516.2 11.59% 0.0131%
<2634> NFSP500 He 7710 27385.22 9.97% 0.009%
<4490> Visa scu 34900 19294.399 8.51% 0.0435%
The asterisk (*) indicates newly ranked stocks.
Those with a 20-day moving average trading volume of less than 50 million yen are excluded.