

Chalk (02469.HK): AI empowerment effects are gradually showing

天風證券 ·  Jun 12

Chalk launched two major AI learning tools, Self-developed AI Smart Teacher and Smart Classtime Context. In this round, Chalk took the lead in empowering national/provincial examination written test system class products with AI results, adding two major features, “AI Smart Teacher” and “Classtime Context,” to provide students with personalized and efficient answers throughout the process, enhance students' learning experience, and truly achieve personalized learning for thousands of people.

Supported by AI technology, technology helps efficient learning

The field of education is one of the fields with the most direct and logical application in the wave of artificial intelligence. Combining artificial intelligence technology with education is an important practical direction for big models. Based on deep accumulation in the field of big language models (LLM), Chalk independently developed the first vertical model focused on the public examination industry. On this basis, thanks to long-term accumulation in teaching and research, and integrating RAG (enhanced search generation), intent recognition, and vector database technology, Chalk launched the “AI Intelligent Teacher” to provide reliable, accurate, and targeted counseling services.

AI intelligent teachers have 7 major functions: personalized learning planning and guidance, learning achievement testing and guidance, question answering and other question guidance, exam question-answering and application guidance, supervisory reminders, and stress relief to guide and accompany students throughout the learning process. At the same time, the AI intelligent teacher is also a peer partner in the student's learning process, supervising the learning progress and providing 7*24 hours of online companionship. On the other hand, considering the students' need to review and review after class, chalk uses advanced AI technology to automatically generate a course knowledge context map, intelligently generate key nodes based on the live lecture content, and extract core knowledge points in a summary. The course structure is clear at a glance.

Continuously increase investment in R&D, with remarkable enabling effects

Since its inception, Chalk, which has its own Internet genes, has always been committed to sharing scientific and technological achievements with all students, and has continued to increase investment in technology. In 2023, it invested 251 million yuan in R&D, an increase of nearly 30% over the previous year.

Based on this, the chalk technology team actively explores large models to help improve the quality and efficiency of student exam preparation and teacher teaching, and launched a series of implementation applications including AI intelligent review, AI questions and analysis.

Chalk AI smart reviews have been widely accepted by students in interview scenarios, and the usage during the same period was more than 20 times that of manual reviews. On the teachers' side, the big model has an usability rate of over 80% in various scenarios such as intelligent review, questions, and analysis, and the availability rate of some scenarios exceeds 90%, greatly improving teachers' work efficiency and empowering daily work processes. The average response time for teachers has dropped from 20 minutes to 5 minutes.

Maintain profit forecasts and maintain “buy” ratings

In the wave of artificial intelligence, the education industry is also introducing AI applications. Through the deep application of AI technology, the company continuously iterates and upgrades products and services, and develops a variety of AI-enabled online learning tools and innovative platform functions to facilitate students' learning and help them maximize their learning results. We believe that AI may further strengthen Chalk's position in China's vocational examination and training industry, bring substantial benefits to students, and ultimately drive the company's business growth. We expect the company's 24-26 revenue to be RMB 4.08 billion, RMB 4.92 billion and RMB 5.89 billion; adjusted net profit will be RMB 600 million, RMB 720 million, and RMB 860 million respectively; EPS will be RMB 0.26, RMB 0.31, and RMB 0.38, respectively; and corresponding PE will be 15, 13, and 11X, respectively.

Risk warning: risks such as policy uncertainty; increased market competition; AI application promotion falling short of expectations; curriculum development and product service optimization falling short of expectations.

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