
江苏发布生猪产能调控实施方案 精准调控能繁母猪存栏量

Jiangsu has released the implementation plan for controlling the production capacity of live pigs, which can accurately control the inventory of sows.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 11 18:38

The Jiangsu Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the “Implementation Plan for Regulation and Control of Pig Production Capacity in Jiangsu Province (2024 Revision)”.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that on June 11, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the “Jiangsu Pig Production Capacity Regulation Implementation Plan (2024 Revision)”. Among them, it is proposed to stabilize the number of sows that can be raised. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has determined that the normal number of breeding sows in Jiangsu Province is 1.2 million. The target task remains unchanged, and the normal amount of breeding sows in each district and city will not be adjusted. Maintain a reasonable level of storage for breeding sows. According to pig production capacity regulation requirements, changes in the breeding capacity of sows are divided into three regions: green, yellow, and red, and corresponding control measures are adopted.

The original text is as follows:

Jiangsu Pig Production Capacity Regulation Implementation Plan (2024 Revision)

In order to implement the “Notice of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on Issuing the 'Pig Production Capacity Regulation Implementation Plan (2024 Revision) '” (Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (2024) No. 11), give better play to the guarantee role of policy regulation, stabilize basic production capacity, and effectively prevent large fluctuations in pig production capacity, this implementation plan was revised and perfected on the basis of summarizing early pig production capacity regulation and control work practices.

I. General Requirements

With the number of sows that can be bred as the core control index, adhere to the principles of early warning, back-up regulation, timely intervention, and precise measures, implement the provincial general responsibility and “vegetable basket” mayor responsibility system for stabilizing pig production and supply, and hierarchical compaction responsibilities, focusing on “stabilizing breeding pigs, stabilizing scale, and stabilizing large counties”, according to the control strategy of “long-term sows, short-term fattening pigs”, establish pig production capacity control stations in a hierarchical manner to establish a proper pig production control mechanism with vertical linkage and timely response to ensure proper pig production and control mechanisms A reasonable number of pig farms in stock and scale to promote the sustainable and healthy development of the pig industry and continuously improve the safety of pork supply Safeguarding ability.

II. Precise control of the number of breeding sows

(1) Stabilize the number of breeding sows

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has determined that the normal number of breeding sows in our province is 1.2 million. The target task remains unchanged, and the normal amount of breeding sows in each district and city will not be adjusted. Data from the Jiangsu Survey Team of the National Bureau of Statistics for the last month of the quarter in the province and each district and city were calculated based on data from the Jiangsu Survey Team of the National Bureau of Statistics, based on data from the Jiangsu Survey Team of the National Bureau of Statistics, and based on the monthly month-on-month change rate of healthy sow stocks monitored by the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

(2) Maintain a reasonable level of breeding sows

According to pig production capacity regulation requirements, changes in the breeding capacity of sows are divided into three regions: green, yellow, and red, and corresponding control measures are adopted.

1. Green zone: normal fluctuations in production capacity. The monthly stock of breeding sows is in the range of 92% to 105% of normal holdings (including the two critical values of 92% and 105%). Market regulation is the main focus, and there is no need to initiate regulatory measures. Maintain the normalization of monitoring and early warning work, and publish dynamic monitoring information regularly.

2. Yellow area: Production capacity fluctuates greatly. The monthly stock of breeding sows is in the range of 85%-92% or 105% to 110% of normal holdings (including the two critical values of 85% and 110%). Initiate corresponding regulatory measures to work with market regulation to promote the return of breeding sows to the green zone.

Scenario 1: The number of sows that can breed has been drastically reduced. The monthly stock of breeding sows is in the 85%-92% range of normal holdings (including a critical value of 85%). The first is to strengthen monitoring and early warning. Strengthen the monitoring and scheduling of breeding sows, release dynamic monitoring information in a timely manner, guide market expectations, and increase the number of breeding sows. The second is to launch a mechanism to increase production capacity. The Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and relevant regional and municipal agricultural and rural departments guide and supervise pig production capacity control farms to slow down the elimination of sows capable of breeding, increase the number of breeding sows, and stabilize and restore production capacity. The third is to send warning letters to places with large declines in production capacity. Depending on the situation, the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued an early warning letter to the agricultural and rural departments of the district and city where the number of sows that can breed has dropped significantly, requesting timely restoration measures. The agricultural and rural departments of each established district and city may establish corresponding early warning mechanisms.

Scenario 2: The number of breeding sows has increased dramatically. The monthly stock of breeding sows is in the range of 105% to 110% of normal holdings (including a critical value of 110%). The first is to strengthen monitoring and early warning. Strengthen the monitoring and scheduling of breeding sows, release dynamic monitoring information in a timely manner, guide market expectations, eliminate low-yielding sows, and reduce the number of breeding sows. The second is to launch a mechanism to reduce production capacity. The Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and relevant regional and municipal agricultural and rural departments guide and supervise pig production capacity control farms to take measures to reduce production capacity, such as delaying breeding of sows and speeding up the elimination of low-yielding sows.

3. Red zone: Excessive fluctuations in production capacity. The monthly stock of breeding sows is less than 85% of normal holdings or 110% higher than normal holdings. Strengthen corresponding regulatory measures to promote the gradual return of breeding sows to green areas.

Scenario 1: The number of sows that can reproduce has been reduced excessively. The monthly storage capacity of breeding sows is less than 85% of normal holdings. To step up efforts to increase production capacity, the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued warning letters to agricultural and rural departments in established districts and municipalities where the amount of breeding sows is lower than 85% of normal holdings, and has not adopted regulatory measures or poor regulation, urging the adoption of policies and measures such as subsidies, credit, and interest rates in one step to curb the decline in production capacity and restore the number of breeding sows as soon as possible.

Scenario 2: The number of breeding sows has increased excessively. The monthly storage capacity of breeding sows is 110% higher than normal holdings. Comprehensively strengthen measures to reduce production capacity, continue to step up efforts to eliminate low-yielding sows, and guide pig production capacity control farms to suspend the addition of breeding sows and the construction and expansion of new pig farms.

(3) Control of other abnormal situations

The monthly storage of breeding sows is in a green area, but when there is an abnormal decrease in the production and supply of breeding pigs, the number of newborn piglets, or the number of pigs kept, etc., the agricultural and rural departments of the established district and city shall promptly study and adopt targeted measures, and if necessary, they can formulate temporary policies and measures and report them to the people's government at this level for approval and implementation.

3. Effectively stabilize pig production capacity

(1) Maintain a stable number of large-scale pig farms

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has determined that the number of large-scale pig farms in our province is at least 5,000. The target tasks remain unchanged. The number of large-scale pig farms in each district and city will not be adjusted. The number of large-scale pig farms is based on the number of large-scale pig farms registered in the national direct reporting system. Each established district and city shall maintain the overall stability of the number of large-scale pig farms, and shall not be dismantled in violation of the law. Where demolition is necessary, they shall arrange for breeding land to support their offsite reconstruction, and provide reasonable financial compensation. Where large-scale pig farms voluntarily withdraw, each district and city can build or expand large-scale pig farms with corresponding production capacity according to the reduced production capacity to breed sows to ensure the overall stability of pig production capacity.

(2) Establishing a production capacity control field in a hierarchical manner

Relying on the direct reporting system for farms across the country, large-scale pig farms are dynamically monitored, focusing on monitoring their quantity and changes in production and operation. In accordance with the principle that pig farms voluntarily join and cooperate to carry out production capacity regulation, pig production capacity control farms are established in a hierarchical manner. National pig production capacity control farms are designed to list large-scale pig farms with more than 10,000 heads per year and national pig core breeding farms. Provincial pig production capacity control farms are designed to open 8,000 to 10,000 heads (excluding 10,000 heads) a year. The Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs completes related work by the end of February every year. The agricultural and rural departments of each district and city can establish pig production capacity control farms at corresponding levels in line with actual practice. Production capacity control farms enjoy pig production support policies in accordance with relevant regulations.

(3) Reasonably guide production and market expectations.

Guide farms (households) to scientifically arrange production rhythms. When pig prices are low and pig farming has serious losses, farms (households) are guided to reduce the weight of pigs released, avoid pressure to gain weight, and slaughter companies are encouraged to step up their purchasing efforts. When pig prices rise rapidly, guide farms (households) to follow the trend to avoid short-term supply reductions due to pressure and secondary fattening, and prevent prices from rising and falling rapidly due to concentrated market sales in the future.

IV. Safeguard Measures

(1) Strengthen monitoring and early warning. The Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs promptly issued pig production monitoring and early warning information, and reported changes in monthly indicators such as the number of sows that can breed and the number of large-scale pig farms to each district and city. Each district and city refers to the monitoring system of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, carries out production monitoring and feeds back relevant index data to each county (city, district) within its jurisdiction. The Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and all established districts and municipalities should include funds for statistical monitoring of pig production in their own budgets, support the construction of pig production and market monitoring and early warning systems, strengthen monitoring data collection, analysis, situation consultation and information release, and promptly and accurately grasp the production and supply situation, and initiate corresponding policies and measures as appropriate. Strengthen the monitoring, prevention and control of major animal diseases such as African swine fever, and comprehensively investigate the impact on stable production and supply of pigs. In response to hot spots and emergencies in the industry, when pig prices rise and fall sharply or there are major changes in the production situation, etc., we promptly respond to social concerns and reasonably guide market expectations.

(2) Refine the work plan. Each district and city formulates corresponding work plans in accordance with the requirements of the provincial pig production capacity regulation and control implementation plan, rationally breaks down and implements indicators such as being able to breed sows and large-scale pig farm holdings in line with actual practice, and reports them to the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs for the record before June 10, 2024. Administrative regions below the county level focus on stabilizing the number of large-scale pig farms, and it is not appropriate to break down targets for breeding sows into townships, villages, and large-scale pig farms.

(3) Increase policy support. When the monthly storage volume of sows in established districts and cities is lower than 92% of normal holdings, or when pig breeding continues to have serious losses for 3 months or more (the average loss of pig heads listed is about 200 yuan), relevant funds can be coordinated according to regulations to grant a one-time temporary relief subsidy to large-scale pig farms and pig breeding farms (including local pig breeding farms). At the same time, coordinate with relevant departments and agencies to increase credit investment for eligible farms (households), and coordinate relevant funds to provide interest rate subsidies in accordance with regulations. Improve the resource and environmental compensation incentive mechanism, and encourage the main marketing regions in southern Jiangsu to establish long-term stable production and marketing cooperation insurance and supply mechanisms with major production regions in northern Jiangsu and central Jiangsu through resource and environmental compensation and cross-regional cooperation to establish farms on the basis of speeding up the improvement of local pig supply capacity. Each district and city may introduce other policies and measures to regulate production capacity in line with actual practice.

This article was selected from the “Jiangsu Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Official Website”, Zhitong Finance Editor: Xu Wenqiang.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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