

Shandong Xiantan (002746.SZ): achieved chicken product sales revenue of 410 million yuan in May.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 11 15:45

On May 2024, Shandong Xiantan (002746.SZ) announced that its chicken product sales revenue was CNY 4103.878 million, with a sales volume of 48,300 tons. The year-on-year change rate was -18.87% and -0.79%, while the month-on-month change rate was -7.72% and -1.00%. Among them, the chicken farming and processing industry achieved a chicken product sales revenue of CNY 3801.207 million with a sales volume of 46,100 tons (Note: The sales revenue of chicken products before offsetting was CNY 4073.117 million, with a sales volume of 48,100 tons). The year-on-year change rate and month-on-month rate of change were -22.17% and -2.50%, and -6.62% and -0.35%, respectively. The food processing industry achieved a chicken product sales revenue of CNY 302.671 million with a sales volume of 21,000 tons, with an year-on-year change rate and month-on-month rate of change of 73.49%, 59.60%, -19.59% and -13.14%, respectively.

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