
《盈喜》安領國際(01410.HK)料全財年扭虧為盈 純利介乎2,500萬至3,050萬元

Yingxi, edvance intl (01410.HK) is expected to turn losses into profits for the entire financial year, with a net profit between 25 million to 30.5 million yuan.

AASTOCKS ·  Jun 7, 2024 17:00

Edvance Intl (01410.HK) announced its profit, it is expected to turn losses into profits by the end of March 31, 2024 fiscal year and record a net profit of about 25 to 30.5 million yuan. In contrast, it recorded a net loss of about 27.5 million yuan in the 2023 fiscal year, mainly due to the financial assets involved in fair value of non-listed investments of the holding company of Hong Kong Digital Asset Trading Group Limited during the period, recorded fair value gains and losses, compared with fair value losses in the same period last year.

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