
5月电商物流指数为113.9点 环比回升0.7点

The logistics index for e-commerce in May was 113.9 points, an increase of 0.7 points from the previous month.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 5 09:42

On June 5, the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing and JD Group jointly released the China e-commerce logistics index for May 2024, which was 113.9 points, up 0.7 points from the previous month.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that on June 5, China's e-commerce logistics index for May 2024, jointly released by the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing and JD Group, was 113.9 points, up 0.7 points from the previous month. Among the sub-indices, the total business volume index, rural business volume index, logistics timeliness index, fulfillment rate index, satisfaction rate index, and actual load rate index have improved, and the inventory turnover index, personnel index, and cost index have declined.

The total e-commerce logistics business volume index continued to rise. In May, the total e-commerce logistics business volume index was 129.8 points, up 2.1 points from the previous month. By region, the total business volume index has increased in all regions of the country. The eastern region saw the biggest increase, and the central region surpassed the national average.

The rural e-commerce logistics business volume index continues to rise. In May, the rural e-commerce logistics business volume index was 129.7 points, up 1.8 points from the previous month. By region, the total business volume index has increased in all regions of the country. The western region saw the biggest increase, and the central region surpassed the national average.

The logistics timeliness index increased steadily, and the fulfillment rate, actual load rate, and satisfaction rate indices continued to rise. In May, the logistics timeliness index was 101.9 points, up 0.7 points from the previous month, and rebounded for three consecutive months. The compliance rate, actual load rate, and satisfaction rate rebounded by 0.9, 0.2, and 0.4 points respectively, and the e-commerce logistics market continued to maintain a good situation of increasing volume and quality.

The inventory turnover index continued to decline, and the cost index continued to decline. In May, the inventory turnover index fell 0.6 points from the previous month due to increased inventory preparation by enterprises. The cost index fell 0.6 points from the previous month. After 4 months of continuous decline, the corporate cost level remained the same as last year, but there is still room for decline.

Both supply and demand sides of e-commerce logistics continued to operate well in May, and the overall e-commerce logistics index rebounded for three consecutive months. Looking at the demand side, during the “May 1st” holiday, travel-related e-commerce consumption such as outdoor sports, travel gear, and takeout meals grew rapidly. The total business volume index and rural business volume index rebounded 2.1 and 1.8 points respectively, reaching 129.8 points and 129.7 points respectively, which was close to 30% compared to the same period last year.

Furthermore, as the “6.18” mid-year online shopping promotion campaign approaches, major e-commerce platforms are warming up ahead of schedule, boosting e-commerce business volume. Against the backdrop of accelerated demand growth, e-commerce logistics companies continue to improve supply capacity and operational efficiency through resource integration, scientific planning, application of new technology, and digital transformation. The cost index fell to the same period in 2023, and indices such as actual load rate, satisfaction rate, implementation rate, and logistics timeliness all increased.

Overall, e-commerce logistics continued to improve steadily in May, and the overall e-commerce logistics index reached a new high in nearly 6 years. In the later stages, with the implementation of the consumer durable goods replacement policy, online shopping activities will continue to be active, and e-commerce logistics demand will continue to grow steadily.

This article was selected from the official website of “China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing”. Zhitong Finance Editor: Liu Jiayin.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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