

Fosun Intl won four major awards in Asia Enterprise Governance.

PR Newswire ·  Jun 4 16:58

Chen Qiuyu and Xu Xiaoliang, Executive Directors and Joint CEOs of Fosun International Limited, were awarded the "Best CEO Award in the Asia-Pacific Region" at the 14th Asian Excellence Awards presented by Corporate Governance Asia magazine on May 31, 2024, in addition to the company also receiving the "Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Award" and the "Best Corporate Communication Award". Corporate Governance Asia is the most authoritative and influential corporate governance magazine in the Asia-Pacific region, and award-winning companies have leading positions in their respective industries and have demonstrated outstanding comprehensive performance over the past year in financial performance, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, environmental protection, corporate communication and investor relations. Other award-winning companies at the 14th Asian Excellence Awards include Sino Land and SHK PPT. CEOChen Qiuyu and Xu Xiaoliang were awarded the "Best CEO Award in the Asia-Pacific Region" by Corporate Governance Asia.Awarded"BestCEOAward"

Fosun International also received the "Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Award" and the "Best Corporate Communication Award"."Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Award"and"Best Corporate Communication Award"

On June 4, 2024, in Hong Kong, Corporate Governance Asia magazine presented the 14th Asian Excellence Awards, where Fosun International Limited, also known as Fosun or the Group (Hong Kong Stock Exchange Stock Code: 00656), received the "Best CEO Award in the Asia-Pacific Region" by Executive Directors and Joint CEOs Chen Qiuyu and Xu Xiaoliang. Other award-winning companies at the 14th Asian Excellence Awards include Sino Land and SHK PPT.

Corporate Governance Asia is the most authoritative and influential corporate governance magazine in the Asia-Pacific region, and award-winning companies have leading positions in their respective industries and have demonstrated outstanding comprehensive performance over the past year in financial performance, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, environmental protection, corporate communication and investor relations.SHK PPT, New World Dev, Bank of China (Hong Kong), China Mobile, China Telecom, China United Network Communications, CNOOC, Sinopec, Chinacomservice and other well-known Asia-Pacific enterprises. China Mobile, China Telecom, China United Network Communications, CNOOC, Sinopec, Chinacomservice and other well-known Asia-Pacific enterprises.

For achieving steady growth in performance in a complex macro environment and outstanding ESG performance.ESGoutstanding performance

According to "Asian Business Governance", in 2023, in the face of the complex and ever-changing global external environment, if companies want to achieve steady growth in business, finance, operational indicators, etc., they need to have good strategic planning and demonstrate strong operational resilience. Even in the complex macro background, it is more important for enterprises to take a proactive and responsible approach to sustainable development than ever before.

"Asian Business Governance" pointed out that in 2023, despite the challenges still faced by the global economy due to geopolitical factors and so on, Fosun still maintains its strategic stability, focuses on its main business, steadily develops, improves the operational capabilities of its advantageous industries, and achieves stable performance. In a complex external operating environment, as the CEO of a global large-scale private enterprise, Mr. Chen Qiyu and Mr. Xu Xiaolian have been actively leading Fosun to not only manage the company well, but also continuously strengthen its sustainable development management, proactively assume corporate social responsibility, actively carry out environmental, social and governance (ESG) work, and utilize Fosun's global industrial resources and strengths to continue to create a better world, thus granting Mr. Chen Qiyu and Mr. Xu Xiaolian the "Best CEO Award in the Asia-Pacific Region".

Mr. Chen Qiyu, Executive Director and Co-CEO of Fosun International, said: "Fosun has always adhered to its innovation-driven strategy and used innovation to promote industry development and better serve society. In recent years, our R&D of anti-cancer drugs has continuously achieved new breakthroughs. For example, Fosun Kite's Yescarta (axicabtagene ciloleucel) is the first CAR-T cell therapy product approved for sale in China, enabling more and more Chinese lymphoma patients to have longer survival periods, even achieving 'cure'. Fosun hopes to harvest more innovative results through its innovative strategy and help people 'live healthily over 121 years'. In addition, in order to promote Fosun's sustainable development, in addition to technological innovation, it will continue to implement the 'double carbon' target, continue to deepen its work in the ESG field, and jointly create a happy ecology.

Mr. Xu Xiaolian, Executive Director and Co-CEO of Fosun International, said: "Globalization is the core development lever embedded in Fosun's genes. Fosun has always been good at using global talents and enlisting global resources with global power to enable more good products and services to benefit more families. In addition to the 'hard power' of business globalization, the 'soft power' accumulated by Fosun in the globalization process is equally precious. At the end of last year and the beginning of this year, we successfully held the Yuyuan Lantern Festival, a national intangible cultural heritage project that has been held for 29 consecutive years, in Paris, showcasing the charm of Chinese culture to the world. In the future, Fosun will continue to strengthen its global operational capabilities and create more good products for global families with the power of a global enterprise, assuming the responsibility of a global enterprise."

ESGexcellent rating and widely recognized by the market.

"Asian Business Governance" pointed out that Fosun has always spared no effort in promoting global ESG work, continuously strengthening ESG system construction and investment, significantly enhancing its ability to respond to climate change, and accelerating the promotion of green development. At the same time, Fosun actively fulfills its corporate social responsibility, performs well in various ESG rating indicators, and has been widely recognized by the market for its excellent ESG performance. Therefore, Fosun was awarded the "Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Award" and the "Best Corporate Communication Award", which not only recognizes Fosun's active promotion of global sustainable development and assumption of corporate social responsibility, but also confirms Fosun's persevering efforts in communicating excellent ESG cases.

Despite the challenges in the post-pandemic macro environment, Fosun International remains steadfast in its commitment to sustainable development and has made significant progress. In 2023, Fosun International's MSCI ESG rating has maintained AA for three consecutive years, making it the only comprehensive enterprise in Greater China with an MSCI ESG rating of AA; Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability rating has soared to AA- and was included in the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index for the first time; the performance in S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment has ranked among the top 6% globally and was selected for S&P Global's Sustainable Development Yearbook 2024, as well as being awarded the industry's Best Progress Enterprise logo; and was included in the FTSE Russell Social Responsibility Index for two consecutive years.

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