
研报掘金|中金:上调绿城服务目标价至4.6港元 潜在盈利释放可能性提升

Research Nuggets | CICC: Raising the target price of Greentown services to HK$4.6, increasing the possibility of releasing potential profits

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 3 09:41
Gelonghui, June 3 | CICC published a report stating that it was observed that Greentown Services' internal reforms in the past two years in terms of enterprise operation and management were initially effective. Based on its deep brand heritage and market-based development capabilities, it is believed that efficiency optimization and strategic focus can gradually help the company make up for shortcomings on the profit release side in the next few years. Although net profit at the reporting level may still fluctuate due to impairment, investors are reminded to pay attention to the effects of the reform process and choose an opportunity. According to the report, the company guides annual revenue growth of no less than 10%, core operating profit growth of not less than 15%, medium- to long-term revenue and profit growth at a double-digit level, and a faster growth rate of core operating profit than revenue growth. The bank expects that stabilizing new expansion contracts will support revenue growth, and the continued deepening of efficiency improvement measures will help the basic property management business guarantee the bottom line of profits. If diversified businesses and depreciation improve, it will be flexible. Continued improvement in corporate governance and emphasis on shareholder returns are expected to provide some support for the company's long-term value. CICC maintained Greentown Services' “outperforming the industry” rating, maintained profit forecasts, and raised the target price by 35% to HK$4.6, mainly due to rising market risk appetite and increased potential profit release possibilities.

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