
港股异动 | 中广核矿业(01164)现涨超4% 长协铀价有望向上趋近现货铀价 利好铀矿量价齐升

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | CGN Mining (01164) has now risen by more than 4%, and Changxie uranium prices are expected to move upward, and spot uranium prices are favorable to a sharp rise in uranium ore volume and price

Zhitong Finance ·  May 31 14:59

The Zhitong Finance App learned that CGN Mining (01164) is now up more than 4%. As of press release, it has risen 4.26% to HK$2.94, with a turnover of HK$43.618 million.

Huatai Securities pointed out that looking ahead, events such as the US nuclear power policy, expectations of new Chinese units, and expectations of a decline in Kazakh crude oil production guidelines are likely to continue to catalyze uranium price performance. The bank indicated that the uranium price ceiling may open further with marginal pricing of US demand. On the one hand, US nuclear power companies' long-term coverage of uranium demand is relatively lower. It will drop 80% in 2026 and 50% in 2028, and new demand needs to be met by new growth; on the other hand, US nuclear power prices have experienced structural price increases driven by AI data center demand, or drive higher uranium price tolerance. In this process, the Changxie uranium price is expected to move upward closer to the spot uranium price, which is beneficial to a sharp rise in uranium ore volume and price.

Anxin International previously stated that at the beginning of 2024, the price of natural uranium continued its 23-year upward trend, breaking through the price of 100 US dollars/pound. Since then, due to the announcement of the resumption of production in several uranium mines such as Langer Heinrich and McClean Lake, uranium prices declined somewhat. Although many uranium mines have announced the resumption of production, it will be difficult to produce in the short term; in the long run, the relationship between supply and demand for natural uranium will remain strained due to the accelerated development of global nuclear power and the tripling of nuclear power declarations.

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