
精准滴灌助小微,浦发银行发布 “智·惠·数”普惠金融服务体系

Precise drip irrigation helps small and micro, and SPD Bank launches “smart, benefit, digital” inclusive financial service system

China Investors ·  May 31 11:27

Currently, inclusive finance is entering a new stage of development. As one of the “Five Great Articles” of finance, inclusive finance is an inevitable requirement for opening up the last mile of financial services and serving the real economy. It is also the focus of efforts of financial institutions.

In order to further improve service quality and efficiency, on May 30, 2024, SPD Bank released a “smart, beneficial, digital” financial service system. Adhering to the service concept of “finance for the people”, based on data, it continuously enhances the professionalism of financial services through comprehensive and three-dimensional financial supply to achieve accurate drip irrigation for small and micro enterprises.

Zhang Weizhong, Party Secretary and Chairman of SPD Bank, said at the meeting that at present, economic momentum is shifting from being driven by traditional factors to being driven by technological innovation. Financial management logic has undergone major changes, and it is necessary to actively implement the political and popular nature of financial work. SPD Bank's inclusive finance aims to use digital intelligence to find its own business space in the long-tail market, create a new blue ocean, and logically integrate customer groups, products, technology, policies, etc. by leveraging genes, location, strategy, talents, and professional advantages to create an inclusive finance circuit model belonging to SPD Development.

According to the introduction, the inclusive financial service system released by SPD Bank this time includes digital intelligence products and equity services, an inclusive franchise service system, and digital application capabilities, focusing on the inclusive customer base, further expanding the reach and coverage of inclusive financial services from the dimensions of product innovation, organizational security, and digital empowerment, to help more small and micro enterprises “do business better and flourish more and more.”

In terms of products and benefits,SPD Bank has built a “4+N+X” inclusive financial product system, based on 4 standardized products such as “HuiShifang”, “Benefit Loan”, “HuiChain Loan”, and “HuiBao Loan” to provide customers with characteristic and personalized financial service solutions based on different scenarios and needs. At the same time, Inclusive customers can obtain “Smart Points” based on the business development situation at SPD Bank, log in to the “Here Comes Puhui” app, and enjoy the benefits of the “Digital Inclusive Service Ecosystem”. For banks, “smart points” also facilitate accurate service and enhance the degree of matching and integration with customer needs.

Among them,“Benefit flash loans”It is an all-online, unsecured, and pure credit microfinance product for high-quality small and micro customer groups. It can achieve accurate credit and quick approval to meet the financing needs of various scenarios;“Benefit Loan”It is a product that is based on “HuiFlash Loan” and superimposes risk mitigation by guarantee companies, and enables customers to operate fully online from application to disbursement.

“HuiChain Loan”It is a product aimed at the upstream and downstream of the supply chain and the ecology of specific industrial scenarios. It focuses on serving the green, rural, and industrial chain ecology. Through lightweight, standard, and digital technical capabilities, it accurately reaches and provides financial services to high-quality, inclusive, and long-tail customer groups;“Benefit Loans”For products aimed at inclusive customers such as small and micro enterprises and individual operators, digital technology tools such as OCR recognition and model valuation are used to achieve PAD/APP online application, online mortgage housing valuation rating, and automatic approval and credit with big data, greatly reducing business processing time.

In terms of the franchise service system,In order to improve the efficiency of financial services, SPD Bank has established a three-dimensional service system linked by all branches. An inclusive finance department was set up at the head office level, small micro and personal loan centers were set up at the branch level, and small micro and personal loan service centers were set up to respond to customer needs in a timely manner through centralized and efficient services. At the same time, SPD Bank has also created a digital exhibition tool that integrates public and private services to better serve the business operations and personal wealth planning needs of small and micro business owners.

In terms of digital empowerment,SPD Bank fully exploits the “data element” multiplier effect, uses models and strategies to build the “Lark Falcon” marketing platform, upgrade the business opportunity management system, and accurately identify customer needs; build a “360 panorama” risk control platform, upgrade the full-process inclusive risk control system to improve the accuracy of customer portraits; at the same time, it has also established a “digital intelligence and inclusion” ecological alliance to work with all parties to provide integrated financial and non-financial services throughout the life cycle of inclusive customers.

SPD Bank said that the “Smart, Benefit, and Digital” financial inclusion system is an important measure to do a good job in the “five major articles” of finance and advance the “digital intelligence” strategic transformation at full speed. In the future, we will work with various partners to protect the operation and development of small and micro enterprises, protect the pursuit of a better life for small and micro business owners, and contribute to the promotion of common prosperity.

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