
据外媒报道有知情人士表示特斯拉已成功获得中国工业和信息化部的软件注册这将为特斯拉内部测试全自动驾驶 (FSD) 铺平道路特斯拉员工将在中国公共道路上测试并计划在未来几个月内升级推送给中国用户。针对此事特斯拉客服向新浪科技表示目前内部员工没有进行相关的测试。不同城市不太一样即使未来能够落地或者开放也是在允许完全自动驾驶能力测试的城市开放。“我们确实在筹备这件事但具体什么时间落地也需要一个长久的时间目前官方没有任何相关消息。用户可以关注官方公众号和官方微博如果有最新的进展或者待发布的时间我们会第一时间通...

According to foreign media reports, people familiar with the matter said that Tesla has successfully obtained software registration from China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which will pave the way for Tesla's internal testing of fully

Zhitong Finance ·  May 31 10:44
According to foreign media reports, people familiar with the matter said that Tesla has successfully obtained software registration from China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which will pave the way for Tesla's internal testing of fully automatic driving (FSD). Tesla employees will test it on Chinese public roads and plan to upgrade it to Chinese users within the next few months. In response to this incident, Tesla customer service indicated to Sina Technology that no relevant tests have been carried out by internal employees at present. Different cities are not the same, and even if they can be launched or opened in the future, they will open up in cities that allow fully autonomous driving ability tests. “We are indeed preparing for this event, but it will take a long time for the exact timing to be implemented. There is currently no official relevant information. Users can follow the official account and official Weibo account and we will notify all car owners as soon as there are any recent developments or when they are to be posted.” (Sina Technology)

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