
港股异动 | 优必选(09880)再涨超4% 与天奇股份订立技术服务合同 机构看好公司率先享受行业红利

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Preferred Choice (09880) rose more than 4% and signed a technical service contract with Tianqi Co., Ltd., and institutions are optimistic that the company will take the lead in enjoying industry dividends

Zhitong Finance ·  May 31 10:31

Preferred Choice (09880) rose more than 4% in early trading. As of press release, it had risen 3.15% to HK$173.4, with a turnover of HK$17.547,600.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Premium Choice (09880) rose more than 4% in early trading. As of press release, it had risen 3.15% to HK$173.4, with a turnover of HK$17.547,600.

According to the news, YoubiXuan announced that Beijing YoubiXuan Intelligent Robotics, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, has signed a technical service contract with Tianqi Co., Ltd., that Tianqi Co., Ltd. has appointed Beijing YoubiXuan to develop application software and algorithms for humanoid robots in automobile production lines, and should pay a total of RMB 30 million to Beijing YoubiXuan for development. The conclusion of the technical service contract is a substantial advance between the company and Tianqi Co., Ltd. in application scenarios such as the implementation of humanoid robots in NEV projects and smart logistics projects.

According to Northeast Securities, considering factors such as cost, demand, and fault tolerance, it is expected that humanoid robots will be the first to be implemented in the industrial scene, and then gradually infiltrate homes and commercial use through technical optimization and cost reduction. According to our estimates, the demand for the industrial scene will reach 3.284 million units by 2030, the demand for the home & business scenario will reach 435,000 units, and the overall market size is close to 40 billion US dollars. As a first-tier humanoid robot enterprise in China, the company relies on years of deep technology accumulation and benefits from the wave of the humanoid robot industry. It is expected to explore more downstream fields in the future, take the lead in enjoying industry dividends, and provide the company with momentum for continuous development.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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