

Turnover change rate ranking (10:00) ~ Awa Paper, Meitetsu, etc. rank

Fisco Japan ·  May 31, 2024 09:39

* In the volume change rate ranking, it is possible to know the interest of market participants, such as shopping trends, by comparing the average turnover for the last 5 days with the turnover on the day of distribution.

■Top turnover change rate [as of 5/31 10:32]

(Comparison of average turnover for the last 5 days)

Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5 Day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate

<3896> Awa Paper 2519800 129759.44 257.58% 0.117%

<9048> Meitetsu 3332600 673643.42 243.25% -0.1008%

<4776> Cybozu 2171400 445981.38 238.55% 0.1225%

<7727> Oval 606700 34643.6 232.44% 0.0445%

<4613> Kansai pe 5938100 2021028.19 221.46% 0.119%

<1946> TOENEC 53600 42839.2 217.92% 0.0545%

<9073> Kyogoku Un 1048500 186068.12 212.13% 0.2832%

<2840> iFNAS 100 6589 55450.05 211.41% -0.0097%

<4760> ALPHA 517900 187322.28 205.93% -0.0095%

<2557> SMDAM topic 33430 25479.923 203.3% 0.0105%

<4676> Fuji HD 1662100 836684.21 150.26% 0.0513%

<7256> Kasai Takumi 774200 58409.44 106.51% 0.0251%

<3758> Aeria 624400 112891.18 96.33% -0.0833%

<6232> ACSL 413400 153657.78 85.58% 0.0298%

<7886> Yamato Indah 69400 43936.16 85.12% 0.0613%

<4593> Helios 1032200 82183.04 72.01% 0.0797%

<3150> Grimes 132300 140080.06 69.55% 0.0887%

<8550> Tochigi Gin 367400 77244.58 61.5% 0.0131%

<2841> IF NAS 100h 2260 13842.07 60.75% -0.0077%

<3446> JTECCORP 92100 85780.94 56.87% 0.0104%

<9267> Genki Dora 44400 130151.4 56.18% -0.0106%

<4396> System Support 30900 34441.12 56.08% -0.008%

<7705> GL 31200 57036.62 41.57% 0.025%

<3191> Joy Honda 483200 623436.3 40.79% 0.0033%

<8360> Yamanashi Gin 55100 72962.4 35.79% 0.0298%

<3287> Hoshino RR 5269 1556252.4 35.16% 0.0136%

<2329> Tohokushinsha 34100 37610.92 33.07% 0.0354%

<6768> Made by Tamura 960600 470966.42 32.2% 0.0212%

<3421> Inaba Production 53700 71029.16 29.62% 0.0261%

<8713> Fidea HD 63000 74093.42 27.41% 0.0221%

(*) is a brand that has newly entered the ranking

Exclude 20-day moving average trading prices of 50 million yen or less

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