
中国机器人市场高速增长 产业链长期成长潜力巨大

China's robot market is growing rapidly, and the industry chain has great potential for long-term growth ·  May 30 07:47

① Professor Gao Feng's team from the School of Mechanical and Power Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University developed a “six-legged robot for the blind”. This robot has visual environment sensing functions, and can autonomously navigate to the destination, dynamically avoid obstacles, and recognize traffic lights. ② The Chinese robot market has the highest sales volume in the world and has maintained a rapid growth trend, which provides market opportunities for the development of domestic robot companies.

Professor Gao Feng's team from the School of Mechanical and Power Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University has developed a “six-legged robot for the blind”. This robot has visual environment sensing functions and can autonomously navigate to the destination, dynamically avoid obstacles, and recognize traffic lights. Robots can understand semantic information based on voice instructions from blind people based on deep learning end-to-end speech recognition models. Currently, the accuracy rate of speech recognition is over 90%, and the response speed is within 1 second.

As a key support technology for the manufacturing industry and an important driving force for manufacturing intelligence, robots have become the focus of industrial policy attention in various countries. The Chinese robot market has the highest sales volume in the world and has maintained a rapid growth trend, which provides market opportunities for the development of domestic robot companies. Donghai Securities said that there are various robot market segments. Traditional industrial and consumer robots have gradually formed mature profit models. Humanoid robots are still in the exploration period, but there is plenty of room for the future. Innovative achievements in the field of robotics have attracted market attention, but in the long run, investment in this field will eventually return to its roots. Investment suggestions: In terms of core robot components, companies need to be selected based on their main business position; in terms of complete machines, leading industrial robot and consumer robot companies are also worthy of attention.

According to the Finance Federation's theme library, among the relevant listed companies:

Intrinsically safe sensors and explosion-proof detection systems for special robots developed by Baiao Intelligence use AI edge computing combined with robots, and have efficient and real-time data processing and analysis capabilities.

Mingzhi Electric has been engaged in the R&D, production and operation of products in the field of motion control for more than 20 years. In the field of motion control, it has mastered core control motor development technology, drive control technology and cutting-edge manufacturing technology.

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