SEC FILLINGS DISCLOSED/ May 29, $Brighthouse Financial (BHF.US)$、$BHFAL (BHFAL.US)$、$BRIGHTHOUSE FINL INC 4.625% DEP SHS REP1/1000TH INT PFD SER (BHFAM.US)$、$Brighthouse Financial-Prefer (BHFAN.US)$、$Brighthouse Financial Inc (BHFAO.US)$、$Brighthouse Financial Inc (BHFAP.US)$ Officer Spehar Edward A. intends to sell 7,125 shares of its common stock on May 29, with a total market value of approximately $298.64K.
What is Form 144?
Form 144: Notice of Proposed Sale of Securities is a document issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Individuals such as executive officers and affiliates of a US-listed company must submit this form to the SEC when they intend to sell more than 5,000 shares or units of that company's stock, or if the sale price adds up to more than $50,000 in any three-month period. This regulation is known as Rule 144, under the Securities Act of 1933.