
大行评级|Wedbush:上调爱彼迎目标价至165美元 近期旅游需求仍有弹性

Major Bank Ratings|Wedbush: Raised Airbnb's Target Price to $165 Recently, Travel Demand Is Still Flexible

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 28 23:22
Glonghui, May 28 | Wedbush raised Airbnb's target price by 5 US dollars to 165 US dollars, and raised the rating from “neutral” to “outperforming the market,” saying that recent travel demand is still flexible. Wedbush said investors should take advantage of the weak share price trend after the company released disappointing second-quarter results guidance earlier this month, given the favorable travel data so far this month. Wedbush pointed out that recent industry reviews indicate that the upcoming peak summer travel season will benefit from international sporting events, including the Paris Olympics and the European Cup, and the market demand is healthy.

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