
港股异动 | 保集健康(01246)再跌超47%创新低 公司委任新核数师 管理层年内频繁调整

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Baoji Health (01246) fell more than 47% to a record low, and the company appointed new auditors and management made frequent adjustments during the year

Zhitong Finance ·  May 28 15:41

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Baoji Health (01246) crashed in late trading yesterday, closing down more than 81%. The stock fell more than 47% in the intraday session today, to a low of HK$0.029, setting a new low. As of press release, it decreased by 30.91% to HK$0.038, with a turnover of HK$305.38,600.

According to the news, Baoji Health previously announced that Hong Kong Lixin Dehao Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. resigned as the company's auditor, effective April 23, 2024 because the company and Lixin Dehao failed to reach an agreement on audit fees for the financial year ending March 31, 2024. The board of directors decided to appoint Zhibao Xinqin Certified Public Accountants Limited as the company's new auditor.

Notably, the company's management made frequent adjustments during the year. In January of this year, Mr. Wu Jianming resigned as company secretary, authorized representative and agent in legal proceedings; Ms. Chen ?$#@$ was appointed as company secretary, authorized representative and agent in legal proceedings. Mr. Chen Zhiqiang resigned as an independent non-executive director, and Ms. Tang Man-yee was appointed as an independent non-executive director. In March of this year, Mr. Qiu Bin resigned as the company's executive director and CEO. In May of this year, Chen ?$#@$ resigned as the company's company secretary, authorized representative and agent in legal proceedings; Yuen Wai-keung was appointed as the company secretary, authorized representative and agent in legal proceedings.

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