
除了头版内容,今天《人民日报》涉及财经的主要内容还包括: 1、加强对话与合作 促进和平与发展; 2、阿中友好合作蕴含广阔机遇; 3、第八届中日韩工商峰会在首尔举行; 4、四川从全国大局把握自身的战略地位和战略使命 以中国式现代化引领四川现代化建设; 5、旅游、金融等领域多项务实政策出台 我国服务业开放向纵深推进; 6、文旅领域设备更新实施方案出台...

In addition to front-page content, the main contents of today's “People's Daily” covering finance also include: 1. Strengthening dialogue and cooperation to promote peace and development; 2. The friendly cooperation between Argentina and China contains br

Zhitong Finance ·  May 28 07:19
In addition to front-page content, the main contents of today's “People's Daily” covering finance also include: 1. Strengthening dialogue and cooperation to promote peace and development; 2. The friendly cooperation between Argentina and China contains broad opportunities; 3. The 8th China-Japan-Korea Business Summit was held in Seoul; 4. Sichuan grasps its strategic position and strategic mission from the national situation to lead the modernization of Sichuan with Chinese modernization; 5. A number of practical policies in the fields of tourism, tourism, finance, etc. have been introduced to promote the opening up and deepening of China's service industry; 6. The introduction of an implementation plan for equipment renewal in the field of cultural tourism to promote the upgrading of amusement facilities, performing arts equipment, etc.; 7. The 2nd “Belt and Road” International Skills Competition will be held; 8. The high-quality development of China's economy will be steadily promoted; 9. Grasp the theoretical connotation of new quality productivity; 10. Jincheng, Shanxi, which once “relied on coal to eat coal”, can now produce 200 fine optical lenses in one minute, and take down 100,000 mobile phone parts a day... How is this resource-based city transformed; 11. CRIC Dalian Shipbuilding's 175,000 cubic meter LNG carrier is built and shipped; 12. SAIC Motor Group: Strengthen independent research and development, and fully upgrade the seven major technology bases; 13, 13. Jiangsu Province is an emerging digital professional Develop and build a “stage” digital economy to broaden new employment space; 14. The “State Employment Action 2024” employment promotion event will be held; 15. Colleges and universities in various regions will concentrate on organizing large-scale campus recruitment.

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