
港股异动 | 九兴控股(01836)再涨近6% 年内累涨逾70% 一季度收入增速领跑同业

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Jiuxing Holdings (01836) rose nearly 6% and surged more than 70% during the year, leading the industry in revenue growth in the first quarter

Zhitong Finance ·  May 27 14:35

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Jiuxing Holdings (01836) rose by nearly 6%, with a cumulative increase of more than 70% during the year. As of press release, it rose 5.76% to HK$14.68, with a turnover of HK$18.392,900.

According to the news, Jiuxing Holdings previously announced that in the first quarter of 2024, the Group's unaudited comprehensive revenue increased by about 18.9% to US$338.4 million; shipments during the period increased by about 21.9% year-on-year, due to the increase in all product categories and mainly driven by the sports category; the average sales price during the period decreased by about 3.5% year-on-year, mainly due to the relatively high share of orders from sports and leisure products with lower average sales prices.

Haitong Securities pointed out that the company's revenue increased in the first quarter, leading **** manufacturing companies in the growth rate of manufacturing business; the resumption of sports orders helped increase shipments. The bank believes that orders from major sports customers will increase in 2024, demand for new products from luxury and fashion customers will be strong, and production capacity at the Solo plant in Indonesia will continue to rise. It is expected that capacity utilization will increase and shipments will continue to grow in 24 years.

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