

Liu Qiangdong's latest speech! None of the people with poor performance and hard work can stay ·  May 27 08:20

① In response to JD's strict focus on attendance, the lunch break was shortened from two hours to one hour, and the lunch break was canceled and the lights were turned off. Liu Qiangdong said that if there were a large number of brothers who had to turn off the lights and go to bed for two hours at noon, it would also allow the company to perform well and raise salaries; this is impossible. ② Regarding people who have poor performance and have never worked hard, Liu Qiangdong said that none of the companies can tolerate it, and they will gradually eliminate all of them through various means.

Recent,$ (JD.US)$/$JD-SW (09618.HK)$Due to a series of events such as internal attendance adjustments, shortening of lunch breaks, and personnel optimization, it has frequently sparked public discussion.

According to some sources, JD is strict about attendance, shortening the lunch break from two hours to one hour, and canceling the lunch break and turning off the lights.

At the executive meeting held on the 24th, Liu Qiangdong, chairman of the board of directors of JD Group, delivered an internal speech in response.

“If we have a large number of brothers lying down to sleep, we have to turn off the lights for two hours to sleep at noon, so that the company can perform well, increase our pay, and achieve our dreams. Doing cow things for the rest of our lives is impossible.” Liu Qiangdong said.

“Next, as long as your performance is good, you will never have to work overtime; as long as your performance reaches an average level, the company will never dismiss you; however, the company will never dismiss you; however, people with poor performance and who never work hard will not be tolerated by the company, and they will gradually eliminate all of them through various means.” Liu Qiangdong said harshly.

Regarding employees who adhere to the values of “life first, work second,” Liu Qiangdong expressed understanding, but at the same time pointed out that these people cannot be called his brothers because they are not people along the way and should not work together.

“I believe every company that joins JD has a dream. Most of them want to do something special for the rest of their lives and become number one in the industry. No one wants to join a bad company, a company with no future, no one wants this company all lying flat and sleeping. It's a company with no passion, no enthusiasm, no dreams, and no glory. I believe it's really my brother, and I wouldn't want JD to become like this.” Liu Qiangdong said.

“Of course, everyone makes different choices. Some colleagues want to enjoy life, put life first, work second, and don't want to fight. I can also understand that there is nothing wrong with this choice. But let's just say you're not my brother or my enemy. We're not a traveller, we're not a family. We're not supposed to work together. Your presence will seriously damage the interests of our struggling brothers, which is unfair to those who still fight every day and work overtime.”

At the same time as delivering his “Wolf Fight” speech, Liu Qiangdong once again raised the salaries of all JD procurement personnel.

Liu Qiangdong said that the company's various parameters have stabilized the downward trend, and April's profit was much better than the first quarter's performance. Therefore, it was decided to increase cash remuneration by at least 20% for all managers at the C1, C2, and C3 levels of procurement.

Among them, the C1 and C3 levels had an average increase of 30%, the highest 50%; the C2 tier had an average increase of 50%, the lowest increase of 30%, and the highest 100%.

At the same time, the year-end bonus for all purchasers is increased every six months, which means that the annual salary of all sales staff will increase to 20 months' monthly salary over the next two years. In addition, an incentive fund of 10 million yuan will be set up for each division.

According to the financial report released on May 16, JD's revenue for the first quarter was 260 billion yuan, up 7.0% year on year; net profit attributable to common shareholders was 7.1 billion yuan, and net profit for the same period last year was 6.3 billion yuan, up 13% year on year. Net profit attributable to common shareholders of listed companies was 8.9 billion yuan under non-US GAAP, an increase of 17.2% over the previous year.

Referring to Liu Qiangdong's internal speech, well-known economist Pan He Lin told the “Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily” reporter that the market competition was not easy. While Liu Qiangdong made a lousy statement, he actually gave red envelopes and announced a 20% to 100% salary increase for all. Verbal demands are matched with wage increases.

“This shows that Liu Qiangdong still treats employees as brothers, but in the future, more strict performance may be introduced to evaluate employees. E-commerce platform companies have already entered a mature period from a period of growth, and mature companies need to tap growth potential from internal management. Simply put, there is a lot of competitive pressure on JD, and JD wants to spread the pressure on the company to all employees, so as to make the company more dynamic.”


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