
美股异动丨小牛电动盘前大涨14% N Play爆款首发加码智能安全

Changes in US stocks | Mavericks electric surged 14% before the market, N Play hit, boosts smart safety

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 24 16:52
Glonghui, May 24 | Maverick Electric (NIU.US) U.S. stocks rose 14% to $2.27 in the premarket. According to news, recently, Maverick Electric released a new product in the classic N series, the N Play electric motorcycle. This car is the first time that an intelligent lead-acid battery has been used in the N series products. The sale of N Play marks another important breakthrough for Maverick Electric in the field of two-wheel mobility. While enriching its product matrix, it also adds another dark horse to the electric motorcycle market.

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