
港股异动 | 明源云(00909)再跌超6% 本周累跌逾20% 地产新政对新房销售影响仍需观察

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Mingyuanyun (00909) fell more than 6% this week and fell more than 20% this week. The impact of the new real estate policy on new home sales still needs to be observed

Zhitong Finance ·  May 24 14:04

Mingyuan Cloud (00909) fell more than 6%, with a cumulative decline of more than 20% this week. As of press release, it decreased by 6.79% to HK$2.61, with a turnover of HK$17.289,800.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Mingyuanyun (00909) fell by more than 6%, with a cumulative decline of more than 20% this week. As of press release, it decreased by 6.79% to HK$2.61, with a turnover of HK$17.289,800.

CITIC Securities said that the current real estate policy is driven by actual demand for commercial housing and affordable housing, and is mainly expected to be implemented on a large scale in Tier 1 and 2 cities with a strong demand base. Therefore, the bank judged that it will take a long time from the end of the fall in housing prices to the recovery of investment, and it is very unlikely that housing prices in core cities will rise across the board after they stop falling.

CNBC Hong Kong pointed out that the current policy may have a more positive impact on the sales and supply of second-hand housing, and the likely impact on new home sales still needs to be observed. Goldman Sachs said earlier that real estate projects will usually obtain a sales license about 6-9 months after the project starts, and developers will purchase Mingyuan Cloud's CRM management system to assist sales, which means that the company's main product, the CRM management system, is still in sync with the real estate industry's main sales floor area index.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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