
北水动向|北水成交净买入35.1亿 北水再度加仓内银、石油股 增持中行(03988.HK)超11亿港元

Beishui Trends | Beishui's net purchase of 3.51 billion yuan, and Beishui once again increased its holdings in domestic banks and petroleum stocks (03988.HK) by more than HK$1.1 billion

Zhitong Finance ·  May 23 17:56
On May 23, in the Hong Kong stock market, Beishui made a net purchase of HK$3.51 billion, of which the Hong Kong Stock Connect (Shanghai) transaction made a net purchase of HK$2,726 million and the Hong Kong Stock Connect (Shenzhen) transaction made a net purchase of HK$784 million.

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