
北水动向|北水成交净买入35.1亿 北水再度加仓内银、石油股 增持中行(03988)超11亿港元

Trends in Beishui | Beishui made a net purchase of 3.51 billion yuan, and Beishui once again increased its holdings in domestic banks and petroleum stocks (03988) to over HK$1.1 billion

Zhitong Finance ·  May 23 17:46

On May 23, in the Hong Kong stock market, Beishui made a net purchase of HK$3.51 billion, of which the Hong Kong Stock Connect (Shanghai) transaction made a net purchase of HK$2,726 million and the Hong Kong Stock Connect (Shenzhen) transaction made a net purchase of HK$784 million.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that on May 23, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange had a net purchase of HK$3.51 billion, of which the Hong Kong Stock Connect (Shanghai) transaction made a net purchase of HK$2,726 million, and the Hong Kong Stock Connect (Shenzhen) transaction made a net purchase of HK$784 million.

The individual stocks that Beishui Net bought the most were Bank of China (03988), Yingfu Fund (02800), and CNPC (00857). The individual stocks sold the most by Beishui Net were Tencent (00700) and China Mobile (00941).

Hong Kong Stock Connect (Shanghai) actively traded stocks

Hong Kong Stock Connect (Shenzhen) actively traded stocks

Bank of China (03988) and China Construction Bank (00939) received net purchases of HK$1,128 million and HK$181 million respectively. According to the news, Minsheng Securities pointed out that bank AH share premiums are still at historically high levels. On the one hand, premiums are expected to subside with improved tax policy expectations and financial support. On the other hand, the discount on H shares also brings dividend advantages. At the same time, it is also necessary to consider the relative disadvantages of liquidity and settlement efficiency in the H share market. UBS, on the other hand, said it maintains a constructive view of the Bank of China because policy introduction seems to be accelerating; market valuations have taken into account negative catalysts and bear market prospects for Chinese banks; and attractive dividend rates can protect the downside. The bank said that the large state-owned banks are optimistic about CCB and the Bank of China.

Yingfu Fund (02800) received a net purchase of HK$477 million. According to the news, Cathay Pacific Junan Securities pointed out that excessive pessimistic pricing of Hong Kong stocks continued to recover this year, and risk incidents gradually cleared up. Hong Kong stocks may experience some differences and fluctuations after the recent sharp rise. However, as uncertainty in China's economy and policy areas decreases, the overseas liquidity environment gradually shifts in a direction more favorable to the Hong Kong stock market, and there is still room for growth in the Hong Kong stock market.

CNPC (00857) and CNOOC (00883) received net purchases of HK$249 million and HK$234 million respectively. According to the news, China Merchants Futures pointed out that there are many potential benefits on the crude oil supply side, and the potential impact is greater. In the context of low inventories, the supply side provides strong support for oil prices. Demand-side expectations are weak, but actual demand may not be too bad. In the short term, the focus is on whether the peak gasoline consumption season in June-August and the peak refinery season can be realized. There is a high probability that the balance between supply and demand will eventually be tight. Huachuang Securities pointed out that the profit from increasing storage and production of three barrels of oil is expected to remain high in anticipation of high oil prices, and the quality of earnings from refined energy will also improve. Combined with continued high dividends, the valuation of three barrels of oil is expected to be reshaped.

Kuaishou-W (01024) received a net purchase of HK$232 million. According to the news, Daiwa released a research report saying that Kuaishou's adjusted net profit surged 103 times last quarter to 4.4 billion yuan, which is higher than market expectations of 3.2 billion yuan, compared to 42 million yuan in the same period last year. Yamato gave Kuaishou a “buy” rating, and the target price was raised from HK$85 to HK$90. Furthermore, Kuaishou announced a HK$16 billion share repurchase plan. Jefferies believes that the relevant repurchase plan reflects the company's confidence in its prospects.

Vanke Enterprise (02202) received a net purchase of HK$43.96 million. According to the news, Vanke has signed agreements with leading financial institutions such as China Merchants Bank to obtain 20 billion yuan syndicated loans. The collateral is Wanwei Logistics shares owned by Vanke. Up to now, it has received 10 billion yuan. Vanke said that this 20 billion syndicated loan will help the company further enhance its liquidity, reflecting the strong support of financial institutions such as China Merchants Bank for the company. The company has always maintained a good cooperative and trusting relationship with financial institutions, and all kinds of financing cooperation are being actively promoted.

In addition, Xiaomi Group-W (01810) and Ideal Automobile-W (02015) received net purchases of HK$85.29 million and HK$3.2 million respectively. Tencent (00700) and China Mobile (00941) had net sales of HK$243 million and HK$83.19 million respectively.

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