
华达科技(603358.SH):宁德时代已成为公司电池箱产品最大客户之一 将继续增强配套关系

Huada Technology (603358.SH): Ningde Era has become one of the largest customers of the company's battery box products and will continue to strengthen the supporting relationship

Zhitong Finance ·  May 23 15:35

Huada Technology (603358.SH) issued an announcement. The company announced on May 22, 2024, 15:00-16...

Zhitong Finance App News, Huada Technology (603358.SH) issued an announcement. The company held the 2023 and first quarter 2024 performance briefings via video recording and online text interaction from 15:00-16:00 on May 22, 2024, to fully communicate with investors on matters such as the company's business situation and development plans. The company's general manager Ge Jianghong, independent director Fan Chongjun, financial director Yang Jianguo, and board secretary Qi Jing attended the performance briefing. To the extent permitted by information disclosure, they interacted with investors on issues of general concern and answered investors' questions.

Among them, how was the business development of some investor consulting companies during the Ningde era?

In response, the company said that the product support relationship between the company and Ningde Era began in 2021. After years of cooperation, the company's advantages in product design (simultaneous development), production capacity scale, quality control, supporting responsiveness, and cost control were highly recognized by the Ningde Era. The company's business support volume with Ningde Era increased year by year. By the end of 2023, Ningde Era had become one of the largest customers of the company's battery box products. In the future, the company will continue to give full play to its core advantages, strengthen supporting relationships, and promote the company's sustainable development.

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