
港股异动 | ASMPT(00522)早盘涨超3% 英伟达业绩或提振AI算力板块 先进封装增长可见度增加

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | ASMPT (00522) rose more than 3% in early trading, Nvidia's performance may boost the growth of advanced packaging in the AI computing power sector, increasing visibility

Zhitong Finance ·  May 23 11:35

The Zhitong Finance App learned that ASMPT (00522) rose more than 3% in early trading. As of press release, it had risen 2.51% to HK$94.1, with a turnover of HK$557.13,400.

According to the news, Nvidia (NVDA.US) released its report for the first fiscal quarter of the 2025 fiscal year ending April 28. During the reporting period, Nvidia's total revenue and data center revenue both reached record highs, and the revenue guidance for the next quarter also exceeded expectations. Tianfeng Securities previously indicated that it expects Nvidia's earnings report to exceed expectations, which is expected to bring catalytic impetus to the AI computing power sector, and AI core targets are expected to benefit.

Macquarie published a research report saying that the long-term growth of ASMPT Advanced Packaging (AP) has increased visibility. Everbright Securities, on the other hand, said that considering the company's low profit base in '23, profits in '24 are expected to increase significantly year-on-year; actively developing the advanced packaging business, TCB equipment and HB equipment revenue is expected to maintain rapid growth for a long time, driven by demand for AI chips and HBM.

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