
港股异动 | 商汤-W(00020)早盘涨超4% 汇丰称“日日新5.0”将推动今年GenAI相关收入增长加快

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Shangtang-W (00020) rose more than 4% in early trading HSBC says “Nisshin 5.0” will accelerate GenAi-related revenue growth this year

Zhitong Finance ·  May 23 10:53

Shangtang-W (00020) rose more than 4% in early trading. As of press release, it was up 3.38% to HK$1.53, with a turnover of HK$688 million.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Shangtang-W (00020) rose more than 4% in early trading. As of press release, it had risen 3.38% to HK$1.53, with a turnover of HK$688 million.

According to the news, Shangtang released the “Japan-Japan New SenseNova 5.0” model on April 23. Its comprehensive performance is fully comparable to the GPT-4 Turbo and reaches or surpasses the GPT-4 Turbo in mainstream objective evaluations. Its multi-modal capabilities have been greatly improved, leading the way in various test lists.

According to a research report released by HSBC, Shangtang's business structure is fully shifting from the original smart city, smart business, smart lifestyle and smart car development to generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) development. Last year, GenAI's revenue tripled year-on-year, contributing 35% to total revenue. Since the release of the 5.0 upgrade version of its “Japan-Japan New Big Model” on April 23, the company's stock price has increased 130%. According to the report, Shang Tang said that the performance of Nissin 5.0 is comparable to GPT4-Turbo. It has now been selected by well-known customers such as Jinshan Software and Xiaomi, which is believed to accelerate GenAi-related revenue growth this year.

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