
国联证券:OLED供需迎来反转 盈利拐点有望来临

League of Nations Securities: OLED supply and demand ushered in a reversal of profit inflection point is expected

Zhitong Finance ·  May 23 10:16
Guolian Securities released a research report saying that benefiting from the price reduction of OLED panels, mobile phone manufacturers introduced AMOLEDs at an accelerated pace in 2023, and as AMOLED prices fell to the bottom, panel supply and demand were reversed. Under the reversal of supply and demand, panel prices picked up at the end of 2023. At the same time, the demand side continued to boom, and the OLED panel industry may usher in a profit inflection point. The domestic flexible OLED industry has improved on both the supply and demand sides, panel prices are expected to pick up, and the industry's inflection point is expected. The supply of OLED panels is shifting domestically, the operating rate of domestic OLED production lines is gradually increasing, and a profit inflection point is expected. Recommended attention: BOE A (000725.SZ), TCL Technology (000100.SZ), Vicino (002387.SZ), Hehui Optoelectronics (688538.SH), etc.

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