
A股异动 | 佰奥智能连续3日回撤 股东拟高位减持

Changes in A-shares | Baiao Smart withdraws for 3 consecutive days, shareholders plan to reduce their holdings at a high level

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 23 09:47
Gelonghui, May 23 | Baiao Intelligence (300836.SZ) fell more than 6% and now reports 37.8 yuan. It has retracted nearly 15% in the past 3 days, and its total market value has fallen below 2.5 billion yuan. According to the news, Shi Fenghua, the shareholder holding 5.8958% of the company's shares, plans to reduce his holdings of the company by no more than 944,800 shares through bulk transactions or centralized bidding, that is, no more than 1.4739% of the company's total share capital. According to reports, Shi Fenghua was a former shareholder of Baiao Smart's IPO. This time, I reduced my holdings due to high prices. Since April 22, Baiao Intelligence has accumulated a cumulative increase of 103%, the biggest increase in the range of 121%.

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