
公告精选 | 快手Q1经调整净利同比升逾百倍,宣布160亿港元回购计划;金山软件Q1盈利增约五成

Featured announcements | Kuaishou Q1's adjusted net profit increased more than 100 times year on year, announcing a HK$16 billion repurchase plan; Jinshan Software's Q1 profit increased by about 50% ·  May 23 08:38

① Jinshan Software's profit increased by about 50% in the first quarter. What is the revenue situation? ② Shenzhen Expressway plans to expand the expressway project by 19.2 billion yuan. What are the highlights?

Important announcements from Hong Kong stocks yesterday

1) Company news

$KUAISHOU-W (01024.HK)$: Revenue for the first quarter was 29.408 billion yuan, up 16.6% year on year; net profit was 4.12 billion yuan, turning a year-on-year loss into a profit; adjusted net profit was 4.388 billion yuan, up 10,347.6% year on year.

During the period, total user usage time increased 8.6% year over year; online marketing service revenue increased 27.4% to 16.7 billion yuan, e-commerce business GMV increased 28.2% year over year to 288.1 billion yuan; average daily active users and monthly active users reached 394 million and 697 million respectively, up 5.2% and 6.6% year on year, respectively.

$GDS-SW (09698.HK)$: Revenue for the first quarter increased 9.1% year over year to RMB 2,627.4 billion, with net loss of 345 million yuan, narrowing by 27.33% year on year.

$KINGSOFT (03888.HK)$: Revenue for the first quarter was 2.137 billion yuan, up 8% year on year; net profit was 285 million yuan, up 48% year on year.

$SHENZHENEXPRESS (00548.HK)$: Approximately 19.23 billion yuan will be invested to build the He'ao to Shenzhen Airport section renovation and expansion project of the Shenyang-Haikou National Expressway.

$TOPSPORTS (06110.HK)$: In the fourth quarter of the 2023/24 fiscal year, the total sales volume of the retail and wholesale business achieved a low year-on-year increase in units.

As of February 29, 2024, the gross sales area of direct-run stores increased by 0.4% compared to the end of the previous quarter, and decreased by 0.8% compared to the same period last year.

$BJ ENERGY INTL (00686.HK)$: Affiliated Qujing Zhanyi signed an EPC contract with the consortium for a photovoltaic power generation project in Yunnan Province, with a total planned construction capacity of 190 megawatts. The investment involved was 636 million yuan.

$CHINA RE (01508.HK)$: The original premium income of 18.939 billion yuan was obtained through Dadi Financial Insurance in the first 4 months, an increase of 0.11% over the previous year.

$BYTE META (08645.HK)$: An application for a license to operate a virtual asset trading platform submitted by one of its subsidiaries was accepted.

$EVERG VEHICLE (00708.HK)$The subsidiary received a letter requesting the return of approximately $1.9 billion in rewards and subsidies already issued by the relevant local administration departments

2) Repurchase news

$KUAISHOU-W (01024.HK)$: It is intended to repurchase Class B common shares of the company worth no more than HK$16 billion within the next 36 months.

$TENCENT (00700.HK)$: It spent approximately HK$1,001 billion to repurchase 2.61 million shares at a repurchase price of HK$376.8-HK$386.6.

$HSBC HOLDINGS (00005.HK)$: Approximately HK$168 million was spent to repurchase 2,447,200 shares at a repurchase price of HK$68.3-68.95.

$TECHTRONIC IND (00669.HK)$: Approximately HK$254.42,100 was spent to repurchase 250,000 shares at a repurchase price of HK$101.4-102.6.


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