

Changes in US stocks 丨 boosted by major conference policies, China's PV stocks strengthened before the market, and Daxin Energy rose more than 6%

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 22 16:14
Glonghui, May 22 | In the US stock market, PV stocks generally strengthened before the market. Among them, Daxin Energy rose more than 6%, and Artes Solar and Jinko Energy rose more than 4%. According to the news, the China Photovoltaic Industry Association recently held a “Symposium on High Quality Development of the Photovoltaic Industry” under the guidance of the Electronic Information Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The conference pointed out that the photovoltaic industry is an industry with a very high degree of marketization, and it is more appropriate to solve the current industry difficulties through market-based means, but it is also necessary to give full play to the tangible role of a good government, including strengthening the crackdown on vicious competition in below-cost sales; encouraging industry mergers and restructuring; and unblocking market exit mechanisms. According to a review report published by UBS, this is the first time that an industry association has proposed regulating capacity expansion. Although the above policy is not mandatory, the news shows that the government is determined to control supply and promote healthy market development, and potential mergers and acquisitions, withdrawals, and local government support to control additional production capacity will point to a more orderly expansion in the long term. UBS believes that the industry's main supply chain faces the challenge of losing cash costs, and believes that capacity utilization will decrease. In particular, low-end or poor industry participants with poor cash conditions will help the industry's supply and demand trends to improve. Currently, corporate profits may have bottomed out, and potential price increases and supply control will drive industry ratings to be re-evaluated.

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