
港股异动 | 云顶新耀-B(01952)午后涨超6% 肾病新药耐赋康在中国内地首张处方落地

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Genting Xinyao B (01952) rose more than 6% in the afternoon, and the first prescription for the new nephropathy drug, Tolifukang, was launched in mainland China

Zhitong Finance ·  May 22 13:37

Genting Xinyao B (01952) rose more than 6% in the afternoon. As of press release, it had risen 5.46% to HK$24.15, with a turnover of HK$74.9047 million.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Genting Xinyao B (01952) rose more than 6% in the afternoon. As of press release, it had risen 5.46% to HK$24.15, with a turnover of HK$74.9047 million.

According to the news, Genting Xinyao recently announced that Nafucang (budesonide enteric capsules, NEFECON) was successfully prescribed in China, marking the beginning of the world's first treatment for IgA nephropathy to officially benefit patients in mainland China. According to reports, Nefukang was approved by the NMPA in November 2023 to treat adult patients with primary IgA nephropathy at risk of progression. Furthermore, Nifukang has been approved in many countries such as Europe, America, and Asia.

Furthermore, according to an authoritative source, Nifukang's pricing strategy is extremely friendly. You can get one bottle for only 18,600 yuan, and if you buy four bottles, you will also receive an additional bottle, reducing the actual price paid for each bottle to 14,900 yuan, thus significantly increasing its cost performance advantage. At the same time, compared to the high price of 100,000 yuan/bottle in the US market, Nifukang's domestic pricing can be called “affordable”, which is only equivalent to a 15% discount, fully demonstrating its strong competitiveness in terms of price.

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