

Zhang Cheng, the former head of the Beijing branch of China Merchants Bank, was approved as the president of CMB Financial Leasing. A total of 14 chairman and general managers in the financial leasing industry were “upgraded” during the year ·  May 22 13:19

① On the afternoon of May 21, the official website of the State Financial Supervisory Administration revealed that Zhang Cheng approved the qualifications of the director and president of CMB Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. ② Since the beginning of the year, a total of 7 financial rental companies have changed their chairman, and 7 financial rental companies have changed their presidents or general managers. Of these, the chairman and general manager of 2 financial rental companies have all changed.

Financial Services Association, May 22 (Reporter Peng Kefeng) I saw another executive change in the banking department's leading financial leasing company!

On the afternoon of May 21, the official website of the State Financial Supervisory Administration revealed that Zhang Cheng approved the qualifications of the director and president of CMB Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. This means that after four months of internal appointments, Zhang Cheng, the former head of CMB's Beijing branch, was successfully transferred to CMB's financial leasing company.

Today, according to the Finance Association reporter's statistics, since the beginning of the year, a total of 7 financial rental companies have changed their chairman, and 7 financial rental companies have changed their presidents or general managers. Among them, the chairman and general manager of 2 financial leasing companies have all changed.

Leading Renter Reforms Zhang Cheng Approved as President of CMB Financial Leasing

Yesterday afternoon, the Shanghai Regulatory Bureau of the China Financial Supervisory Authority issued a document officially approving Zhang Cheng's qualifications as director and president of CMB Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. The specific date of this approval is May 16.


The Shanghai Regulatory Authority requires that CMB Leasing require the above approved personnel to strictly abide by the relevant supervisory regulations of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration, to take office within 3 months from the date of approval by the Bureau, and that CMB Financial Leasing will report their arrival status to our bureau within 5 days of taking office. Furthermore, CMB Rent should urge Zhang Cheng to continue to study and master the relevant laws and regulations of the economy and finance, be familiar with the duties of the position, and perform his duties faithfully and diligently.

A Financial Services Association reporter's inquiry revealed that Zhang Cheng graduated from Renmin University of China and worked at CCB in his early years. He served as the head of the Shangbu branch of China Construction Bank, the head of the Beijing branch office, and the general manager of the risk management department of the Beijing branch. He later joined China Merchants Bank and served as Deputy General Manager and General Manager of the Human Resources Department of China Merchants Bank Head Office, and Party Secretary and General Manager of the Beijing Branch.

According to approval information on the supervisory authority's website, on November 10, 2021, the Beijing Banking Insurance Regulatory Bureau issued a document approving Zhang Cheng's qualification as the head of the Beijing branch of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. However, three years later, Zhang Cheng switched from a bank to the financial leasing industry. In January of this year, CMB Rent issued an announcement regarding the appointment and dismissal of the president. After research by the shareholder China Merchants Bank, it was proposed to appoint Zhang Cheng as the president of CMB Rent, and Zhang Lianhuai will no longer hold the position of president of the company. This also means that Zhang Cheng took more than 4 months from approval by the board of directors to regulatory approval.

According to CMB Financial Leasing's official website, the State Council determined that the first batch of banks to be piloted was a financial leasing company. It officially opened in Shanghai on April 23, 2008, with an initial registered capital of 2 billion yuan. After three capital increases, the company currently has a registered capital of 12 billion yuan, which is wholly owned by China Merchants Bank.

According to China Merchants Bank's 2023 annual report, as of the end of 2023, CMB Gold had total leasing assets of 290.794 billion yuan and net assets of 33.111 billion yuan; net profit of 3,675 billion yuan was achieved in 2023. In addition, a Financial Services Association reporter inquired about public information and learned that at the end of 2023, there were only about 4 financial leasing companies with assets exceeding 200 billion yuan, and the asset size of BOC Gold Lease and BOC Financial Leasing broke through the 400 billion yuan mark, ranking first in the first tier; CMB Financial Leasing and ICBC Financial Leasing had assets exceeding 200 billion yuan and were in the second tier.

Since the beginning of the year, 7 financial leasing companies have changed their chairman and 7 have changed their president or general manager

Today, according to the Financial Services Association reporter's statistics, nearly 30 financial leasing companies have undergone personnel changes in the chairman, president, and important executives during the year. Among them, 7 rent rental companies have changed their chairman, 7 rent companies have changed their presidents or general managers, and 2 of them have changed their chairman and general manager one after another.

Among them, the financial leasing companies that changed their chairman include Haisheng Financial Leasing, Bank of China Financial Leasing, Yongying Financial Leasing, Huarong Shipping Financial Leasing, Huaxia Financial Leasing, Guangdong Finance Financial Leasing, and CMB Airlines Shipping Financial Leasing.

Specifically, on January 5, the regulatory website disclosed that Xiao Guang approved the qualifications of director and chairman of Foshan Haisheng Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.;

On February 7, the regulatory website disclosed that Hu Wenyong's qualifications as director and chairman of BOC Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. were approved;

On February 22, the regulatory website revealed that Xu Jipeng's qualification as chairman of Yongying Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. was approved;

On February 26, the regulatory website disclosed that Fan Xuping was approved as the chairman of Huarong Shipping Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.;

On March 18, the regulatory website disclosed that Chen Chuanlong was approved as the chairman of Huaxia Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.;

On April 24, the regulatory website disclosed that Li Chaoming approved the qualifications of director and chairman of Guangdong Yuecai Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.;

On May 21, the regulatory website revealed that Zhang Cheng was approved as the chairman of CMB Aviation Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.

In addition, the financial leasing companies that changed their presidents include 4 companies, including Suyin Financial Leasing, Beibu Gulf Financial Leasing, and CMB Financial Leasing. The financial leasing companies that replaced general managers include Huarong Shipping Financial Leasing, China Railway Construction Financial Leasing, and Guangdong Finance Financial Leasing.

Specifically, on January 5, the regulatory website disclosed that Zhang Yunhui approved the qualifications of the director, vice chairman and president of Beibu Gulf Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.;

On January 26, the regulatory website revealed that Luo Ping's qualification as assistant general manager of China Railway Construction Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. was approved;

On February 18, the regulatory website revealed that Sun Lifeng's qualification as president of Jiyin Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. was approved;

On February 26, the regulatory website revealed that Cao Jiong was approved as the general manager of Huarong Shipping Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.;

On March 21, the regulatory website revealed that Jiang Hongfei's qualifications as director and president of Suyin Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. were approved;

On April 24, the regulatory website revealed that Ding Rui was approved as the general manager of Guangdong Yuecai Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.

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