
港股异动 | 美兰空港(00357)涨超14% 23年客流量创历史新高 公司流量和营收仍有提升空间

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Meilan Airport (00357) rose more than 14%, passenger traffic reached a record high in 23 years, and there is still room for improvement in the company's traffic and revenue

Zhitong Finance ·  May 22 11:05

Meilan Airport (00357) rose by more than 14%, with a cumulative increase of more than 30% during the month. As of press release, it rose 14.16% to HK$10.08, with a turnover of HK$18.418,700.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Meilan Airport (00357) rose by more than 14%, with a cumulative increase of more than 30% during the month. As of press release, it rose 14.16% to HK$10.08, with a turnover of HK$18.418,700.

Societe Generale Securities indicated that 2023 will be a relay year for airport performance restoration. It is anticipated that performance will continue to improve in the future. The recovery trend of international passenger flow has been determined, and we await the return of non-aviation revenue from the hub airport. The volume of international flights continues to recover, and at the same time, the problem of duty-free goods being out of stock, which suppresses passenger unit prices, is expected to gradually be resolved. Currently, the absolute position of the stock price is low, the valuation is low, and the allocation is low.

Huatai Securities previously pointed out that in 2023, the company's passenger throughput reached a record high, there is uncertainty about the recovery in unit prices for duty-free customers, and the second phase of production capacity is still in a climbing cycle, dragging down performance. We are still optimistic about the dividends of the free trade port construction in the medium to long term. The company leverages its channel monetization capabilities, and profits are expected to continue to pick up; driven by the dividends of the Hainan Free Trade Port construction and new production capacity, there is still room for improvement in the company's traffic and revenue.

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